The Happy Places of Snook

I'm loving the idea/contest/new tag/initiative or whatever you feel like calling it that @robertandrew started 9 days ago. I saw his post while I was away visiting my Mom but it was too hard to write much of anything while there.

Then @c0ff33a wrote his My Happy Place by me @c0ff33a ☕️ post and I enjoyed it so much I Pimped it today on PYPT. I did a horrible job of explaining what this idea really is all about.

Do yourself a favor and read c0ff33a's post. Then stop by robertandrew's post to see where this new idea started. Trust me on this one!

Now let's see if I can do a better job explaining what and why I think this is a really cool new...............let's go with tag that Roberanddrew made. I am going with tag because it's the shortest word of all the words up there. Plus I can spell it without red lines popping up all over my page while writing the draft of this here post. 😁

At first glance, this seems simple enough to do.....Robertanddrew loves outdoors, plants and a cool backyard Cabana I wish I had. Robertandrew is a commenting King in his own right and it made me happy to learn more about him when I read his post. For me, it's always fun to see a bit more into what people are really like.

Now, c0ff33a took the tag in another direction. One for me that made me go Huh! When I was done reading his post I was smiling and happy I learned more about the man that writes epic comments on posts.

I got to thinking today while running all over my small town about where my happy place was....... Dangerous I know!

From being gone for the last 15 days I was very happy to be home when I woke up today in my own home. When you finally have your own place, a place where you are not just there to sleep, but really live, you slowly make it a home. Your own home then becomes many things to you on different days.


Well, yes! it does!


Well, if you stop asking questions I will tell you!

You are a tad cranky today! Relax and just tell this tale.


Different days of the week, my home changes to me. On Saturday it's a place I would rather not be. I know on Saturdays I need to get all the laundry done so so my home then becomes a place of 'not so much fun' work. Hubby is home also enjoying his weekend so my home is noisy during the day too. This adds to the change in my home also.

On those days, if I need a break, I will wait for nightfall then go to one of my favorite places to sit and think.

It's sitting right at the top of the stairs that go nowhere. There is always a breeze in the summer when you sit there. You can see the fireflies, hear the grass grow and smell all the smells nature has to share.

It's a quiet place that doesn't have any light touching it late at night. I find myself taking a very deep breath whenever I sit there and reflect. I always come back inside a much happier person than when I went out.

Love my stairs that go nowhere.

If I have days where I really get upset or just need to walk away for a moment to gather my thoughts, below is the place I will always go.

Some of you have seen this set of stairs from me before. This is the front stoop into my house. Many things can be said about these stairs but they are the best place to go if you need a distraction.

The road, while not a busy one, is very close when you sit there. An added bonus is all the houses up and down the road give you many things to see when you first take a seat.

If you sit there long enough your troubles will recede. It's a good place to get perspective on life and many a smile from walkers by.

This last photo holds the view of my happiest place of all. Back by the house is a very small patio where on very warm days I will go and sit.

I put up the umbrella so I don't get hit with the tiny red spiders that like to fall out of the tree and other kinds of weird things that once I see I start to think they are everywhere!

An umbrella turned just right so it goes under the awning will keep out all the creepy things that might fall on you while you are out.

My husband made the rock garden, which to some might not look like much, but to me, it is the only thing I have ever seen him do that has no purpose but to look cool. His little bit of creativeness makes me happy when I look at it.

The ferns this year are taking over so not sure what we are going to do with them all but they love it under that tree as much as I do, maybe more!

Last, some might be wondering why there is a log sticking up in the middle of some rocks. If you look close at the slightly blurry photo there is a thing on top of that post and that thing is called a whirly-gig.


My Father in Law makes them all by hand. He is an old-school Tool and Die Maker. This means he makes all the gears by hand too. From there he paints them all by hand. It's amazing what that man can do. This was our Christmas present from him last year and if that doesn't make you happy when you look at it......we need to have a long talk!

Here are the official rules of this new tag

The place where you love to do a Combo of things including but not limited to, relaxing, pondering, eating and drinking, meditating, and yes even working on Steemit. This is a new Tag and Initiative that I am creating. Ihope to see many others participate in the fun of it. 😄 ~@robertandrew

Because I'm nosy and think this is a really great new tag...........

Yup, you got it, I'm going to tag a few people that I hope will share their Happy Places too!

Let's see......@enginewitty, @dreemsteem, @ancapbarbie, @enchantedspirit, @inthenow, @liberty-minded, @sharoonyasir, @simgirl, @topkpop, @thekittygirl, @zipporah and anyone else that wants to play along! 😇

Thank you so much for stopping by!



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