Warning! The CFS are watching!

The OverWatchers have you in their sights


I’ve been very lucky to have spent the last few weeks creating artwork inspired by the Hardfork series, from pencil drawings to digital artwork. The @HardFork-Series is the first blockchain narrative mini series being made by an amazing team of Steemians including @ericvancewalton, @dougkarr, @bakerchristopher, @the-alien, @nickytothenines, and @andrarchy.


A selection of my Hardfork series inspired work

Here is an extract from the @hardfork-series teams latest post CFS: Exposing the OverWatchers

Every citizen is monitored online through their augmented reality goggles or corneal implants. Every communication, both online and face-to-face, is combed by artificial intelligence for keywords and phrases, which have been determined to be dangerous by the CFS.

Curious for more?Then check out the latest post @hardfork-series!

The process of designing a CFS Overseer poster.

Last week Eric Vance Walton shared with me an extract of text from his writing for this project. That inspired my latest piece of art which is a poster for CFS, the Central Finance Service.

Eric gave me some visual examples of the style he wanted. These made me think of the Communist Party posters of the early twentieth century and led me to look at the art movements of Socialist Realism and then Constructivism.

I started with a pencil drawing of a family, at this stage I had in my mind the idea of using angular lines to create an image that would resemble a woodcut print.


I then took the pencil drawing and scanned it. Using a graphics editor I created a layer to draw straight black lines over the pencil drawing layer.

The next stage was to add block colours and text, with the idea of creating a design that had a modern twist on traditional woodblock printed posters. I tried out quite a few variations on the design until I found one I was happy with.

The final stage was to add some lighting effects and some texture to the background colour and the portraits.


The final design

Calling all good citizens to comply!


Don't forget to check out @hardfork-series and their post CFS: Exposing the OverWatchers. It is time to educate yourself citizen about the OverWatchers, Overseers and Followers. Your freedom depends on it!

Are you CFS compliant?

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