Sorting Hat Chats

There's a pretty good chance you've read the Harry Potter books. They are, after all, the most successful book series of all time. And for a generation younger than mine, they were a defining work.

Much of the "defining" had to do with houses. Which house do you belong to? On a surface lever, anyone would want to be a Gryffindor, right? And Slytherin, those are just the baddies, are they not?

Source: Sorting Hat Chats

The books themselves contradict this, of course. Some Gryffs are assholes. James Potter being a prime example. And if you think all Hufflepuffs are confused ninnies, may I remind you of uber athlete Cedric Diggory and super awesome Nymphadora Tonks.

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People have been sorting themselves for years, and the most popular way to do so is via the pottermore website. They give you a quiz. You answer, and boom, sorted.

But that doesn't really have depth, does it? It does not, as they say, have the range.

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That's where Sorting Hat Chats comes in. They've examined the houses. DEEPLY. To a degree of nerdery AND psychology that is, quite simply, epic.

They won't choose your house for you. Oh, no. What they'll do, is give you all the information you need to choose your own house, just like Harry did.

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For example, I am a Hufflepuff primary, because I am inclusive and care about community building. I'm a Ravenclaw secondary, because my methods are mostly brain-y. I model Gryff, because I can do the righteous anger and charging thing if needed.

source: Teefury

I recently bought the hoodie shown above, and I can't wait to get it.

So what I need from y'all right now is to go read Sorting Hat Chats. I'm asking for you, but I'm also asking for me. Because if I tell you "you're a Slytherin," I need you to know that I mean that you are primarily loyal to those you consider closest to you, above all other considerations.

Go. Read. Come back. Let's talk.

Related post: Tailored book recs


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