Haturday πŸ‘’ My newest favorite!

I thought it was time for me to do another #haturday
And I have been asked why I don't share more haturday as I made that tag... Well I will try to do better!

But there has been other amazing people sharing haturday to, and I love that so much. Some have shared more than others like @katrina-ariel (amazing taste in hats πŸ˜‰πŸ‘)
And I think we all know who the king of sharing hats are... πŸ˜œπŸ‘‰ @enginewitty
have so many badass hats and looking good!

Anyhooo....here is my newest hat that already has become a favorite! Cool right?πŸ˜‰

I wanted a white one but had to choose between orange and blue.... So Ya blue it had to be and I love it!

it's crazy how white my hair has become this summer

And a weard looking #funkyedits by @krazypoet

I actually thought a bird had pooped on my hat.. Lol

For those who doesn't know the rules 😜Brace yourself... There is none!
Well use the tag is a good one, but EVERYDAY can be a #haturday and EVERYTHING on your head can be a #haturday πŸ˜‰πŸ‘’
Just have fun and do it on your own turms!


Now it's almost morning and I'm still up πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ
Going now though so I wish you all a Goodnight and sweet dreams!

AND Remember EVERYDAY is a #haturday


Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner


Vote for the amazing @enginewitty
EW 3.gif

Amazing gif by the lovely @snook


super cool banner by @enginewitty

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