Haturday extravaganza!!

#haturday is a fun tag started by the lovely @saffisara! I took this picture with my daughter Sophia yesterday.
C360_2018-04-19-19-03-37-013.jpg It took a lot of shots to get the perfect one because Sophia just wanted to be silly and jump around, so most of the other pictures were blurry. Like this one: C360_2018-04-19-19-03-23-209.jpg Then everyone else wanted to put hats on for #haturday when they saw Sophia and I taking a selfie (except for my son, he didn't care), and it all just turned into one big #haturday extravaganza!! Note this isn't the best picture of me as everyone was squishing me, I had no makeup on, and the lighting sucked! C360_2018-04-19-19-15-09-763.jpg Here's a better one I took this morning. I know, I'm a dork. C360_2018-04-20-07-07-59-297.jpg Anyway, it was a pretty hectic day, but I did get them to sit down and do their workbooks and read. We also watched an educational show about the light spectrum, as well as The Magic School Bus in the evening. C360_2018-04-19-13-23-59-956.jpg 😍
It feels good to homeschool again. Today will be pretty busy. I'll be buying a new laptop and printer, as well as more school supplies, and I'll be going to the library with some special requests in hand. Not to mention the usual cooking, cleaning, and learning. Honestly though, I love my life! Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day! 😃

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

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