Ever Wondered How to Channel Healing Energy? - (@EcoTrain)

You may of heard of people using 'Healing Energy', 'Power of the Universe' or Reiki to do healing, so how does this mysterious way of healing actually work?

Whatever name you use or however you do the energy healing, it is all based on a similar principle and that is of tuning into and a higher power and using that higher power to facilitate healing.

The easiest way to explain how this is done is to actually show and walk you though how to do it yourself, so in this video I will show you 3 different methods for channeling energies for healing.


These energies can be used to heal:

  • People who are either physically ill, emotionally upset, in trauma or needing emotional healing
  • People feeling stuck in their lives and not being able to move forwards, live their passion and feel happy
  • Places, towns, cities or countries that have or are having issues with severe weather, war and conflict
  • The whole world and raise the vibration or frequency of human consciousness

The 3 Methods Are:

Feeling and sending through your hands

Sending through your intentions

3rd Eye

So let's get to it so you can  try this out for yourself! 

There is no right and wrong and you can't do it wrong or do any damage as long as you have good, Pure intentions, so no need to worry!

Do notice what you feel when you watch the video, this is all about feeling with your mind and thoughts turned off!

                                         Watch Video!

The more you have fun with channeling the more you will feel the energies, so enjoy experimenting!

Channeling energies for healing is a skill and like any skill it takes practice to improve the skill and find your own area of expertise or particular talent. It is very much about trying and noticing what happens and adjusting from what you feel and experience. 

Please do comment below and share what you feel!

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work


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