Plant Spirits and Power Plants (EcoTrain)

What are Plant Spirits ?

I was always fascinated by plants. As I walked in nature as a kid, plants would talk to me, they would whisper in unknown languages. I knew they were medicines, they were holding power.
As I grew up, I used more and more herbal medicines, became eventually an herbalist, living in the Indian Himalayas. I prepared so many different remedies from herbs, collecting them, drying them, speaking to them…
I love Plants. I love their Spirit !
But what is a plant spirit ?
Some may say it’s the inner intelligence, set of functions and qualities that belong to a plant. Some other people may say it’s their consciousness, from the vegetal kingdom, with a level of self awareness as a specie. I would say it’s all of it, as a morphing field, a package of informations and energies relating to the plant, its use in all traditions, in the past, now and and in parallel realities. It’s all what relates to a plant, whatever its name, in any culture. It’s a more quantum way to describe it. A field of Light and Information with a certain level of self awareness and consciousness.

All the Shaman, from the tribes were and are still communicating with the plant spirits. They are tuning into their field of Intelligence-Energy-Information, and are retrieving guidance, healing power, or any other thing they need to serve their tribe.

It is said that some plants are Power Plants. And that others are Simple. In French the local medicinal herbs are called ‘Simples”. And the powerful psychotropic and shamanic ceremonies plants are Power Plants.

How to define a power plant?
For a shaman, it’s about the allies the plant has, which means how many connections are there between the morphing field of the plant and other morphing field.
It’s also about Hierarchy of plants. For example, wild tobacco is the Grand Father of all the plants, so it is used to pray, to convey our prayers to Great Spirit, and to heal plant related diseases.
It’s about how many dimensions of consciousness the plant can reach. If we define reality as multidimensional fractal hologram, we can accept this idea that every form of consciousness can access different dimensions, and that accessing at will all of them, is called Mastery.

So some plant spirits can access more dimensions than other. It’s about Purpose as well. The purpose of Creation is to serve. It’s to bring qualities in service of the highest good. Like we can observe in the extraordinary intelligence of a wild ecosystem. Every species serving each other, for the greatest good.

A Tomato Spirit for example has a purpose of feeding the soil, bugs, pests, animals, humans. It has as well some medicinal property. And it is beautiful. Colorful. It brings the energy of Vitality to the world. (In Light Language, tomato red is vitalizing).

The Spirit of Coffee is a power Spirit. It holds Shakti or Manifesting Creative Energy. It’s so amazing to see the humans going to
the Coffee Mass (coffee break), to put an offering in the temple (the coins in the coffee machine) and to share this moment as something sacred (Coffee Ceremony). It feels pretty spiritual and religious, isn’t it?
The Coffee spread from central America to Europe, and now is used all over the world. That’s some power ! It’s a purpose of expansion. Every plant wants to expand its territory, through dissemination of seeds, but some attract us, bewitch us that we will carry them across the oceans . That’s the power I’m speaking about.

Another example is tobacco. Wild Tobacco, tobacito, is used all over north, central, and south Americas as a sacred plant for ceremonies. It was indigenous of this continent and spread all over the world. How and why ? this is a subject for another post, about The Corruption of the Morphing Fields.

Ayahuasca, for the one who tried or heard about, is a super powerful spirit. It’s pure kundalini, pure Shakti that can heal, guide and rewrite our DNA. It became really popular these last years, and now is used all over the world. From the Amazon Jungles to main stream stages !

As an herbalist, I could list maybe 30 plants that I consider Power Plants. The more we use them, the more their field grows stronger, the more power they have. The more we misuse them, the more the power gets altered from the original intention. That’s what I call corrupted.

Power Plants are all around us. We can communicate with them. This is also the subject of a future post.
We can honor them, by acknowledging their existence and offering our gratitude. Every time you make an herbal tea, or drink a coffee, or use a medicinal power plant, speak to them. Pay your respect to them, Feel them. They will speak to you.

An experiment made by a French scientist (Yann Lipnick) shows that when you measure the biofield (field of energy of a plant) before picking it up, you can see that a plant will lose a lot of energy when collected without awareness, and that it keeps its energy when first asked for it. So before plucking flowers, ask them if they want to come, tell them thank you ! From the Heart, with feelings, with intention. A real gratitude will bring you Real Healing Power.

This changes your relationship to Nature. To see its intelligence and Grace, and Devotion everywhere. To see that it is a huge unique library of resources and qualities.

Let me know if you want to learn more about plants, medicine making, sacred use of Shamanic plants, and I will be happy to post more about this.

This is one of my favorite subject.

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