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Biasakan yang baik buat kesehatan kita.

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Sahabat steemian yang baik hati. Ginjal merupakan salah satu organ penting dalam tubuh kita sangat berbahaya apabila kita tidak menjaganya, kematian bisa terjadi. Sebagai bagian dari sistem urine, ginjal berfungsi menyaring kotoran (terutama urea) dari darah dan membuangnya bersama dengan air dalam bentuk urine.

Nah.... Sahabat steemian, mulai sekarang jagalah ginjal kita, rawat dia dengan baik, agar kesehatan ginjal terjaga. Perbanyak minum air putih,hilangkan kebiasaan makan makanan dan minuman yang manis berlebihan.

Jangan biasakan makan makanan yang tidak baik, tetapi makanlah makanan yang baik buat keaehatan kita, sehingga kita dapat melaksanakan ibadah dengan sempurna.


Steemian friend who is very kind heart, kidney is one of the important organ in our body and very dangerous if the organ do not work. As part of the urine system, the kidneys function to filter out dirt (especially urea) from the blood and dispose of it along with water in the form of urine.

Kidneys who do not do a good job will cause a variety of serious health problems, one of which chronic renal failure. Being late to realize chronic kidney failure can cause a person to routinely perform dialysis (dialysis) to survive, even a kidney transplant.

Therefore, it is important for us to maintain kidney health. One way is to stop bad habits that can cause severe kidney damage and can increase the workload of these organs.

Here are some daily habits that you unknowingly can cause damage to the kidneys.

  1. Excessive alcohol consumption

Eating more than a glass of alcohol daily for weeks may increase the risk of kidney damage. Therefore, alcohol makes our kidneys and hearts work harder than usual.

  1. Holding urinate

Resisting urination can increase the workload of the kidneys that may lead to kidney stones or even kidney failure.

  1. Lack of drinking

If you do not drink enough water, then the dirt and toxins that should be excreted from the body will start to accumulate and cause kidney damage.

  1. Consumption of excess sugar

Researchers have found that people who drink more than two glasses of sweet drinks each day are more likely to have protein in their urine. This is an early symptom that the kidney is not functioning properly.

  1. Excessive salt consumption

High levels of salt in the body can also cause kidney damage. The reason, it can provide excessive burden on the organs and increase blood pressure.

  1. Lack of sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation is one of the factors that can cause kidney damage. Our body needs enough sleep at night to rest and restore the normal functioning of the kidneys.

  1. Lack of vitamins and minerals

Kidney performance is largely dependent on the food you consume. If your body lacks vitamins and minerals like magnesium and vitamin B6, then your body will not function properly.

  1. Consumption of excess caffeine

Caffeine can cause more pressure on the kidneys and increase blood pressure. Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause kidney damage after some time.

  1. Misuse of pain medication

Some medications used to relieve pain and pain contain various harmful chemical compounds that can cause complications. One of the side effects is severe damage to the kidneys and liver.

  1. Consumption of animal protein excess

Increased use of animal protein such as red meat can increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. Hence it is recommended to avoid red meat intake.





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