Did "Whole 30" change my life?

Hello Everyone!

Happy Humpday! I hope you are all doing well!

Today I wanted to discuss my experience doing whole 30. Did the whole 30 cleansing phase open my eyes to anything? Please note that this is not a review post. Would you comment

First of all, FINALLY I FINISHED WHOLE 30!!!!

Before starting Whole 30 I already knew that I wasn't the healthiest I had been in about a year.

When starting Whole 30 my goal was to work out 4 to 5 days a week consistently, which was a success I must say! As well of course, completing the whole 30!

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What was the Purpose

With whole 30 I wanted to get my health on track again. Prior to whole 30 I was pretty depressed and wasn't really taking care of myself physically or emotionally. I found myself drinking 4 or 5 days a week. Prior to being depressed I was drinking maybe once every other week. On top of that eating take out a few times a week. Compared to when I would only eat out on Date night, which was usually once a week.

Pretty much needed somewhat of a healthy guide to jump start how I should be eating.

What were the general guidelines of whole 30?

  1. Dont drink (alcohol)
  2. No Sugar
  3. No Legumes
  4. LOTS of veggies! Veggies with every meal, even breakfast!
  5. generous amount of fruit
  6. No grains

If I listed out all the rules we would be here all day! But really, there are not that many rules!


My overall experience was good! I enjoyed the opportunity to hit the reset button when it came to eating again! One thing I have noticed before doing the introductory phase was eliminating rice. I replaced rice in my diet with potatoes and found that It was better for my body. I feel not as heavy when just eating potatoes for a good carb source.

One thing that I forgot to do when doing whole 30 was to take body measurements but oh well! I did lose 3 pounds but that was not my overall goal with the program. Three pounds might not seem as a lot but I have been lifting weights pretty heavily.

On top of that, I am 76" tall or 6'4" and weigh 253 Pounds.

What's Next?


NO, I wish but, I am following Whole 30 still, which consists of an introductory phase. Here I will be slowly consuming things that I cut out of my diet for 30 days.

Day 1 is suppose to be Alcohol but I dont plan on having a drink for at least another week or so.

Let me know if you have any whole 30 questions I would be happy answer any questions you might have!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to be here and reading this post today!


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