Ear pain is very painful, you feel trouble and not able to do any work. Due to ear pain you feel mental stress. Young as well child affects from ear pain. Normally ear pain stays for a week.
Symptoms for earn pain are.
- Pain in the affected area.
- You feel Pain in the ear while talking.
- Listening power decreased
- light fever
- Ear Completely Closed
- ear closed Because to flu.
Today I’m here with the best remedy for ear infection and ear pain..
This remedy consist of 4 things which are :
- Onion juice (5 Table Spoon)
- Garlic (3 pieces)
- Radish juice (5 Table Spoon)
- Sesame Oil (5 Table Spoon)
How to do it
Mix all the ingredients and put them in a sauce pan.
Heat them for some time so that only oil remains left.
Separate the oil and keep it safe it in the ear dropper.
Put these drops twice a day in the affected ear.
After two days you’ll guarantee to feel that ear pain is overwhelmed.
Things to Avoid Ear infection
.- Prevent water entering your ear.
- Don’t put fingers in the ears.
- Stay away from people having flue and cough.
- Stay away from smokers.
Using These Drops For two days will relief the ear pain.
Here are the links to My previous Remedies
@ @abdulmanan/daily-remedy-5-or-cold-and-cough-or-best-remedies
@ @abdulmanan/daily-remedy-4-or-remove-waist-pain-or-2-best-methods
@ @abdulmanan/daily-remedy-stop-vomiting-immediately
@ @abdulmanan/daily-remedy-2-or-how-to-cure-headache-immediately-or-instant-relief
@ @abdulmanan/daily-remedy-3-or-an-easiest-and-cheapest-remedy-to-get-rid-of-eye-infection-or-best-method.