How to quit Smoking?

Hello, dear readers!

Boyfriend or girlfriend, I don't do advertising or propaganda. I will not be here any names, trademarks or links to the store. I'm just saying a fact. About four years ago ( I do not exactly remember) I bought an electronic cigarette and simultaneously threw out last pack of cigarettes, and got all of them, broke and threw in the toilet! Even where some have got a picture but can't find her! By the way, exactly the same day, left my husband, but he is clever, just without all the good she's an addict not so tough was, but he did it.
How did it go? you're probably wondering =)

And so it started.

This post is dedicated to all heavy smokers, those who want to get rid of this bad habit, but it does not work. If You belong to the category of such people, then read this article till the end.

I thought long and didn't want to publish this post, and then still decided.

And why not? Partly because this theme belongs to the category of "Personal growth".

At the writing of this article, I nudged the survey of blogger Alexander Yesin, which he spent among the famous bloggers on the subject of sports. I also took part in this survey.

My experience of Smoking is almost 15 years, during which I repeatedly tried to quit, but I obviously did not succeed. All that I was missing this is usually a few hours. And only once I was able to get rid of this habit for two whole months, but then went back to Smoking. Moreover, Smoking I no longer wanted, just went and bought cigarettes, and again to retract.

And so I firmly decided to quit Smoking and NEVER return to this shit! If I can do this? I think Yes, pretty easily.

To quit Smoking is actually very easy, it does not need absolutely no will power and no effort! Don't believe? I thought so too, until I realized the whole secret, which is actually very simple. Read this post till the end and if you want You can easily give up this bad habit forever!

How to quit Smoking?

In order to easily give up this bad habit should:

  1. Forever change your attitude to cigarettes

  2. Just stop Smoking

That's all that's actually needed to do! Any patches and electronic cigarettes need not apply, I personally think that is bullshit. In the process of quitting Smoking, you can drink some vitamins and nothing more.

I do not advise You to go to the doctors (unless, of course, quitting Smoking does not cause serious violations), their Wikipedia or conversation with them can really hurt You.

If in the process of refusing to use all sorts of substitutes that contain nicotine, then that little will come of it. Quit Smoking immediately, it is not necessary to reduce the dosage, etc. Believe me, I know it. All these tips of doctors is unlikely to help. If the person really cannot stop Smoking, then, in my opinion, he's a pussy, because here even the willpower not no need, it's all nonsense. Same nonsense as with many beliefs of weak-willed people.

This post will be for You pretty tough, but I hope it will open smokers eyes to many things. I hope...

Why do You smoke actually?

I think that smokers can't get rid of this habit for two reasons.

  1. They are not psychologically ready for this and are afraid to lose the cigarettes

  2. They're addicted to the strongest drug of all known for today

Let us now consider these reasons in detail.

1.Are you afraid to quit Smoking and are not ready for this!

This is the main reason! Since childhood we have been hooked on this stuff with cigarette advertising played on TV. Tough guys in the movies did not do without cigarettes.

Previously, Smoking was a fashionable habit. This, of course, affect the subconscious played a role. Smokers can't quit because you think that they will lose their support in the face of cigarettes. Now I will try to dispel some of the myths about these fears.

To the question: "Why do You smoke?" many smokers will answer as follows:

  • cigarettes give me the strength, courage and confidence;
  • the break allows you to relax and escape from work;
  • cigarettes comfort me;
  • I like to smoke I like the taste of cigarettes, etc.

Before, I probably would have responded the same way, but now I understand that this is all bullshit. All of these "pros" of Smoking is actually do not exist!

A smoker for a long time the person gets used to it and the process of Smoking it becomes necessary. But it is also a myth. It is impossible to go without sleep, water, food, and no cigarettes you can live.

Cigarettes are not give courage, strength and confidence, they only saturate, starving for nicotine (strongest drug), the body. If a smoker for a long period of time does not receive a cigarette, he constantly thinks about it, he's nervous. Smoking causes drowsiness, weakness and feeling unwell. I think hardly anyone would argue. Cigarettes can really have a calming and relaxing effect, but this period is very small.

The taste of cigarettes can not like, if You with this bet, eat a couple.

Well, about the smell of tobacco smoke, I generally keep quiet, muck rare.

Actually Smoking can compare cigarette in order to be confident, to feel good, to relax and calm down whenever you want. They know how to do so. All of these problems (irritability, fatigue, poor health, insecurity, etc.) is actually caused by Smoking.

In addition, Smoking, in addition to the above, there are a host of other shortcomings. For example:

  • the contents with tobacco carcinogens contributes to the development of cancer;
  • spending significant amounts of money (1 pack per day value$ 2 = $ 730 a year);
  • the impact on their loved ones and others (passive Smoking);
  • high risk of fatal diseases (heart attack, cancer, etc.).

You can say a lot about the dangers of Smoking, but the smoker will not surprise, and to talk about it, it makes no sense. Such methods do not work.

If You want to quit, then re-read and think about written above. Cigarette does not give, therefore, to throw something on really nothing, you just CEASE to poison themselves with this crap!

2.You are an addict!

Many say that Smoking is a bad habit. In fact it is not. Smokers – this is the most common ADDICTS!

NICOTINE is a powerful DRUG to which the organism is accustomed, and without it becomes difficult. Hence the stress, irritability, bad mood and other symptoms of drug addiction. Unlike other drugs, nicotine is very rapidly excreted from the body, as a result, within 30-50 minutes after smoked cigarettes symptoms of starvation, or the so-called "breaking". These symptoms are very weak, and many of them may not even notice.

The more and longer a person smokes, the more he is dependent on nicotine, and the more symptoms of dependence. Many even say that it is impossible to immediately quit Smoking, and the need to gradually reduce the dose. Personally, I do not believe this crap!

Oh well, I will not be brainwashed. If you want to achieve something, then do it.

Finally I give a few tips based on personal experience.

Quit Smoking!

The most important thing is to change your thinking, your attitude to Smoking. You need to think positively and be happy that You no longer smoke. You are free from slavery. Every day You feel better, etc. This is the secret of success in the fight against Smoking!!!

STOP Smoking is best in free from work and any problems or difficulties the time. It is best during holidays when no one will disturb You, and You will be able to concentrate on this case.

Be sure to find yourself a useful hobby. For example, you can write articles , it is not only interesting, but also brings a passive income.

In any case do not be tempted to smoke. Remember – if You smoke, then everything will return back all of Your efforts down the drain. To stop Smoking you need to immediately and forever! It Is Important!

Do not envy smokers, they are slaves to cigarettes and drug addicts!

In this article, there is much more things to write, but I'm not going to pour water, but rather recommend the book of Allen Carr "Easy way to stop Smoking". Be sure to find it on the Internet and read! This thing will change Your attitude to Smoking forever.

That's it for me. I hope my post was helpful to You.

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