Medicinal Plants

The nature is incredible, I have the certainty that the cure of all diseases is in plants, trees all in that sacred plant kingdom, I almost never like to take pills, I am reluctant to medicines elaborated through chemistry when I suffer from some disease , I always resort to plants, to improve circulation I often prepare a hot cup of green tea, which has powerful properties as an antioxidant, is anticancer, helps migraine, protects the liver, memory strength are many properties.


As multifaceted I also like to explore botany, to know and to investigate the properties of all these healing plants and the best thing of all is that it is totally sustainable since in a little space we can grow different plants of this type, in the kitchen I often prepare a stew of vegetables and vegetables where I include basil this plant has digestive properties, it strengthens the nervous system, it has anticoagulant effects and helps with hypertension besides giving a very special flavor to the meals.


Aloe Vera also known in our region as Sábila helps us in many ways, possesses bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and skin regenerating properties, can be applied in healing minor burns, helps against insect bites, can also be used as Sunscreen, the truth that each plant has its own healing characteristics.


This great plant world where the list of medicinal plants does not seem to finish is extremely interesting, valuable and transcendental for the future of health, and knowledge about botany of our world, I believe that if each human being went a little further to investigate On this topic, we would establish a healthier planet with a broad natural ability to solve many of the evils that destroy life, to explore the components to leave evidence of the positive results obtained when using natural medicine.

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