Every single person is aware of the importance of drinking water to good health. Water keeps us alive and helps the human body function properly. One truth a lot of person hasn't come to realise is the fact that staying hydrated is also a very good way for a person to become even more productive also. Today, we will be looking at some scientifically supported reasons why drinking enough water each day and staying hydrated would aid you in staying more focus and also get you done.
- Why Is Water So Important?
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Simply put, the human body would stop working properly without a good amount of hydration. This makes proper sense when you put into consideration the fact that water makes up about sixty percent (60%) of the human body weight and the muscles are around eighty percent (80%). The human body has a lot of important functions to perform and requires water to carry out most of them. Let's take for example, the blood transports oxygen to the entire cells in the human body but without water, it wouldn't be able to do this.
Embarking on a journey of self-improvement and increased productivity once the body is functioning at its peak physical condition.
Under listed are some great reasons why it's quite important that we endeavour to get enough hydration each day if the objective is targeted towards an higher level of productivity.
- Water Increases The Body's Physical Performance
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Virtually all athletes know are familiar with the fact that failing to drink enough water would only result in poor physical performance on the track. This is due to the fact that dehydration could leave a noticeable effect on the way the human body operates. Having to loose as little as just two percent (2%) of the body’s water content would result in an increased fatigue, reduced motivation, alteration of the body's temperature and finally make everything more difficult both in physical and mental terms.
However, the good news here is that proper hydration could prevent all this and even more from happening. Taking in enough water might even reduce the level of oxidative stress. This kind of stress pops up whenever we participate in any activity thick is physically demanding.
- Hydration Has an Impact On Brain Function
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Hydration status has a strong influences on the brain capacity and how it functions. Result of recent studies reveals that the human brain function could even be affected by very mild dehydration (i.e. a loss of around 1-3% of body water weight).
Let's take for instance, a research study conducted on young women who had a fluid loss of 1.36% after exercise shows they suffered from an increased frequency of headaches as well as impaired concentration and mood. Source
While a similar research study was conducted on a group of young men who had a fluid loss of 1.59%. Despite this modest level of dehydration, the participants showed signs of increased feelings of fatigue, anxiety and a decrease in working memory Source
Staying productive feels hard enough even without feeling anxious, fatigue or even suffering from poor memory. The above studies reveals that even just being a little dehydrated could reduce one's capacity to remain on top of things. Drinking just a glass of water before you sit down to focus on what you want to do could aid in giving you the much needed energy where which you would require to achieve your goals.
- Drinking Water May Help Treat and Prevent Headaches
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A lot of persons suffer from headaches due to dehydration. However reaultbof recent studies has shown that water has the capacity to not only relieve the symptoms of some kind of headaches but it also helps in preventing them in the first place.
Headaches are naturally physically upsetting and they also restrict us from attaining anything meaningful. Some form of migraines could get so bad that they would completely knock you off your feet, thus rendering you incapacitated for a good period of time. The last thing anyone would want is to get to that point of being wipes out completely wiped by juat an headache. It gets worse when you think about the fact that the headache could have been completely preventable by a simply quantity of water being drank.
The rather unfortunate thing about water and productivity is that a vast majority of people still suffer from dehydration. This poses a very huge course of concern when the though of how essential water is to our overall health is put into consideration.
If you are concerned about how to begin getting enough hydration, the best point to start is to work out how much water you should drink each day. You could do this just by using a daily water consumption calculator to work out the quantity of water you would need to drink based on your body weight.