How To Make Your Own Natural Eyeliner (Instructions With Photos)

This eyeliner improves eyesight, reduces eyestrain, cools the eyes, and grows thicker eyelashes.

We all want to look our best, it’s in our nature. The cosmetic companies make billions of dollars every year by promising reduction of lines, hiding of blemishes, and youthful, glowing skin. But the assurance of “naturally radiant skin” is just an elaborate deception: in all reality you are slathering your best features with a cesspool of toxic chemicals.

Retail health and beauty items contain chemicals and substances that are very unhealthy for skin. Skin is the largest organ of the human body, and is often the most mistreated. Everything you put on your skin gets absorbed. This is a controversial claim as there are doctors who will claim otherwise. But remember that doctors are puppets for the FDA. They can and do lose their licenses by not following the “guidelines and rules” established by the FDA- who, by the way, answers to no one. The opposing medical doctors state the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the five layers of the epidermis) blocks absorption of everything. Yet FDA approved drug companies sell topical steroids with warnings not to apply near and on the male genitalia, and nicotine patches are purported to work via the skin absorbing the nicotine. And it is proven fact that for every 20 seconds your skin is in contact with BPA in plastic, your skin absorbs the chemical responsible for the rise in early puberty in boys and girls, birth defects via pregnant mothers, sexual dysfunction in men, and higher estrogen levels in both sexes.

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

Research has shown that putting chemicals on your skin can actually be worse than ingesting them. When you drink or eat something, the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help to break down and flush substances out of your body.

Did you know the only way to stop a heart attack is to chew the aspirin? It goes straight where it needs by absorbing directly into your bloodstream

However, when chemicals come in contact with your skin, they are absorbed straight into your bloodstream without any kind of filtering, going directly to your organs. Once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend to accumulate over time because the human body is not equipped with the necessary enzymes to break unnatural chemicals down. We just weren’t designed with man-made toxins in mind.

Nonetheless, those ingredients you find on the labels of your beauty products include synthetic dyes, petro-chemicals, artificial scents, and artificial colors. Look on the labels in your medicine cabinet. Can you even pronounce them? Try to use one in an everyday sentence in public and take note of the looks you are given. These chemicals produce a domino effect: they damage and harm your skin at the cellular level, ensuring your continued spending on “age reversal” products for the rest of your lifespan. It is a vicious cycle.

Makeup can be made easily in your home, usually with items you already have in your cabinets, using natural and organic ingredients and plant extracts. Many are natural sun filters, and natural makeup does not clog pores or assist in the aging process. In fact, the unprocessed and organic ingredients you use in makeup you mix yourself actually reduces and prevents the signs of aging as it has no chemicals that break down your skin at the cellular level. The effects of making your own cosmetics will be almost immediately evident. Your skin anomalies will decrease. You will take on a youthful “glow”. And you will not have to work so hard at the age reversal process.

I have been making my own cosmetics for some time now, and one of the things I have noticed is I do not have to use as many products as I used to! My skin is clearer and has a gorgeous complexion. Plus I always get the perfect shade!

Making cosmetics at home is an informed choice for anyone suffering from skin problems, and it’s a perfect alternative for any woman concerned with the amount of ingredients in her skin care regimen. Natural makeup is also devoid of talc- a known carcinogen. The makeup is very easy to wear and goes on smoothly. It even smells delectable! And because it has nothing damaging, it can even be left on at night or while exercising without damaging or drying your skin. Nothing in my recipes clogs pores.

Another perk to making your own natural cosmetics will be instantly apparent in your wallet. Saving money is becoming more and more difficult in today’s economy. One of the biggest expenses for us girls is makeup. The ingredients in natural cosmetics are inexpensive and easy to find if you do not already own them.

Disclaimer: Always test products out by dabbing a small amount on your inner elbow and waiting 48 hours. If redness or irritation occurs, discontinue and consult a health professional. Sometimes people can develop an allergy where one did not previously exist. Also-exercise caution if you are allergic to nuts or common food ingredients.

Because cosmetics made from natural ingredients do not have preservatives, be cautious of cross contaminating, use with clean hands, and throw out any unused portions every few months and make a new batch.

How to make natural eyeliner

Being my favorite facial decoration I am sharing my homemade recipe for eyeliner first. The best thing about this recipe is it actually improves your eyesight! The second best thing is it costs about a dollar for a three month supply, and I wear eyeliner daily.


Castor oil

Camphor oil

Ghee (clarified butter) You can easily make your own, just do an internet search and be sure to only use grass fed, from chemical free cows butter.

Raw, organic almonds (I use 25, but you can use however many you will use in 3 months)

Thick needle

Silver or copper diya -plate or bowl (stainless steel if you are in a pinch)

An ashtray or other fireproof bowl

Small jar or container to hold the finished product (I use a pure silver pill box due to the added benefit of the silvers’ healing abilities)

Pliers or clamps



Two bricks (to prop the silver/copper plate)

Pot holder or glove to protect your hand from heat

Container for holding eyeliner. I use .925 silver for its healing effects.

When I took these photos I did not have the bricks, I just propped my copper bowl using medical clamps. Necessity breeds innovation.

Instructions for natural eyeliner. Feline supervision optional.

Carefully insert the needle into an almond. Light the almond on fire. It will take a few seconds but once it’s lit it will burn nicely.

Almond on leather needle. When burning please be sure to hold metal with potholder.

Burning almond flame touching copper diya.

Place the almond under the silver or copper diya, allowing the flame to touch the surface to create soot on the diya. Be careful as the needle will become very hot- protect your hands.

Allow the almond to burn until it stops, about 30 to 50 seconds, depending on the size of the nut.

Repeat with 5 almonds.

Allow the diya to cool, then scrape the black ask that has formed on the surface, carefully depositing it into your container. An almond produces a good amount of ash, so for your first batch it’s better to go small to begin- you can always make more.

Ash collected on diya from almonds.

Scraped ash.

Repeat as necessary in 5 almond batches until you get the desired amount of ash.

When you have the desired amount of ash in your container, dip one toothpick into the castor oil and one into the camphor. Use both of these to stir the ash. Add one drop of ghee and stir well. The consistency should be like very thick paste- too thin and it will run. Add a miniscule amount of camphor, castor and ghee if needed.

If the mixture is too watery, burn more almonds for ash, or set the eyeliner in the sun for a few hours.

After stirring well, place container overnight in refrigerator to solidify more. I store mine in the fridge all summer, makes for a cool treat for the eyes. Apply with a tiny eyeliner brush. *** It is important to clean all makeup brushes once a week. ***

Silver pillbox to house natural eyeliner. Silver is known for its health benefits for eyes.

The first line is one application; I went over the second line twice for a darker line.

This eyeliner improves eyesight, reduces eyestrain, cools the eyes, and grows thicker eyelashes. I got this recipe from women in India, and they even apply this to their infants and children-male and female, to prevent common eye ailments such as pink eye, and to insure good eyesight. And of course they wear the eyeliner daily. Cleopatra is said to have used this concoction to paint her eyes.

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