[TIL] Eating a bag of potato chips daily for 1 year gives you 100 times much radiation than living next to a nuclear plant for 1 year

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The title of this post informs you everything. But, yes, it's hard to believe this fact. We know that how much a nuclear plant can affect us with radiation if we live very closely to it. But, eating a bag of potato chips daily can harm 100 times much with radiation and will kill you very fast rather than nuclear plant's radiation 

According to the Forbes Science Journal --

So the whole premise is false. The average dose received  by the public from nuclear power is less than 0.0002 mSv/yr, which is  about 10,000 times smaller than the total yearly dose received by the  public from other background radiation (WNO).  Any health effects from  the more abundant and diverse background radiation would completely  swamp anything from reactors. But even these levels produce no  observable effects.  Eating a bag of potato chips a day gives you 100 times this level,  but no one cares since the fat and salt will kill you a lot faster than  any radiation.

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