Did You Know That Sugar Makes You Old?

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Most of us loves to eat or drinks sweets, and alot of foods now adays contains sugar. even a simple carbohydrates, like refined sugar, white bread and soda, causes imflammation. The more sugar we eat, the more AGEs we develop; these damage surrounding proteins like collagen and elastin, which keep skin firm and elastic. Once it's damaged, springy and resilient collagen and elastin become dry and brittle, and it'll leading to wrinkles and sagging.

Does sugar age you?
Yes, it is aging. It reacts with protein, creating advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). These substances cause skin to be wrinkled and cell structures to harden. Sugar breaks down collagen which leads to skin aging and wrinkles, Sugar causes inflammation throughout the body.

Is it too late to save my skin?
Ofcourse not, if we can't stop drinking or eating sugars we can lessen them. We have to be healthy if we wanna live longer. While sugar speeds up aging, adopting healthier habits will in turn start to slow this process whatever our age is, our bodies will adapt it. We can't control what will happens in our life but we can control what we put in our body. So let's start eating healthy and live healthy.

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