Keto and Me, a Diabetic Journey #3 - Water + Electrolytes = Hydration!


I'm about two weeks into my Keto journey and things are definitely looking up. Due to my doctor and pharmacy's lack of communication skills, I have been out of the number one prescribed diabetic medication in the U.S., Metformin, for a month. This actually turned out to be a good thing. Since I have reduced my carbohydrate intake to less than 30 grams per day, I have not had one episode of sugar spike/crash as I always did, even with the medication. I'm sold on Keto, now and forever!

I'm already at the point that my breakfat (just ignore the irony) every morning sustains me well into the afternoon. Anyway, we are here to talk about the importance of water and electrolytes for being successful on the Keto lifestyle. I used this to cure the Keto Flu!


Water is everywhere!


The elixir of life. Wet, really wet. Humans are literally made of the stuff. I drink at least 6 liters a day.


See, this young lady appreciates the goodness of water. However, we should shame her a little for using that evil bottle...OK, that's enough...


Man does not live on water alone...


Americans and most of the modern world get plenty of minerals in processed foods. Since Ketonians (no one should!) do not consume processed foods with tons of chemicals and carbohydrates, we also don't get those lovely minerals that manufactures use to make them taste good. Since the liver has no need to hold onto water to process all that garbage food we don't eat, flush flush flush all the essentials salts and minerals.

I learned that the following elements + water were the cure for all the side effects of going Keto...



Potassium can be found in quite a few Keto friendly foods...Bacon! Bacon is one of the most low-carb potassium rich foods in existence. Really, I didn't make this up because I love Bacon! Beef, Pork, and Wild Salmon also have it in spades. But there are plants that have it too...Avocado(go easy now) and cruciferous vegetables (that's the leafy green ones).



Magnesium is involved in every cell of the body and is responsible for thousands of biological functions. If you are deficient in magnesium for too long, you will probably die, so fix it now! Nuts, fish, avocado (who knew?), spinach, and Swiss chard to name few Keto foods that pack magnesium. Seriously, research this mineral on the internet like I did.



Ah, the bastard redheaded second cousin in our healthy society. If you eat heavily processed food, please don't salt your food. That's just stupid. Ketonians need to ADD sodium to our diet because what we eat does not have a lot. Instead of boring you with anymore details, look here for the skinny on sodium:

Love Pink!


Kilroy was Here!¡!

all photos are the property of the original artist, I have no claim

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