What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is the exposure of a person's skin to temperatures of -120 to -150 degrees Celsius for a short period of time from 2 - 3 minutes. Any longer and you can expect to get frost bite!
At this temperature your body activates several mechanism that have significant long term benefits.
Toxins and other stores deposits are flushed out the layers of the skin and blood perfusion is improved after several treatments.
The anti-inflammatory properties of cryotherapy are also used to treat chronic arthritic and rheumatic conditions.
---> Basically what happens is the skin reacts to the cold and sends a powerful message to the brain that acts as a stimulant to all regulatory functions of the body.
So cool how the body functions.

Nitrogen Gas is what is used in the treatment. This is completely safe for us as it is completely natural gas. Air that we breathe is made up of 21% Oxygen, 1% Argon, and 78% Nitrogen.
Researchers in North America and Europe have been developing and refining Cryotherapy for more than 20 years.
The process was originally developed in Japan in 1978.

Me chilling in the CryoCabin =)
I am not as warm as it looks like and it actually felt like I was loosing my breath every 5-10 seconds, lol.
You must wear gloves, slippers, and underwear when in the cabin but nothing else!
Ice anyone? Because I am about to turn into some
Although it was very cold, it's manageable. Jumping into cold water I would say is much harder or shocking.
I felt so light and tight after I got out. My body felt relaxed and recharged.
It is weird, after just 2 and a half minutes, it was more soothing and relaxing then an hour message.
My body being typically pretty hot and plus I have a bunch of aches and pains from the years of lifting at the gym, this was a perfect treatment for me.
Helps rejuvenate the body, the cold tightens and corrects issues by pulling them back to proper alignment. The cold is just in general to cool down the internal body temperature, which also helps curve inflammation. I've noticed small benefits from cold showers and this took it to the next level.
If you are thinking of trying out some Cryotherapy, I would definitely recommend it!
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