
Every aspect of life has been and is advancing and yet there seems to be something missing. In an age of technology there is an increased desire to return to the ancient ways. Instead of slowing down; thanks to all the modern conveniences, we are speeding up. Why is it that instead of peace of mind our lives are more stressful and we constantly long for more time.

The dictionary defines Convenience as "the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty. Synonyms: benefit, use, good, comfort, ease, enjoyment, satisfaction"

Benefit. Enjoyment. Satisfaction. These words strike me as the perfect definition of Convenience. And yet, our "instant" modern lifestyle is anything but beneficial, enjoyable or satisfying. Let's look at a couple convenient aspects of modern life.

*Convenience foods - in the long run - compromises our health and affects the vitality of family who no longer sit around the table enjoying a home-cooked meal.
*Modern transport - the proverbial planes, trains, automobiles - rob us of the pleasure and beauty of the journey.
*Multi media has replaced face to face time over a cup of tea strengthening the bonds of friendship.

Of course this is a broad generalization. But we have all been in company when someone (often ourselves) spends more time on their cellphone. Do you think that convenience is convenient? Or, like us are you slowly introducing those old fashioned practices?

Buckaroo Baby 2016-10-28 013.JPG

One area that I am returning to the ancient way is preferring cloth diapers and mama cloth. Disposable diapers scare me! Yip. I have nightmares about using disposable diapers. They were invented for our convenience and comfort. And yet, they are more like a weapon of warfare in disguise! My main reason for avoiding them at all costs (pun intended) is because the chemical reaction against the delicate baby's body is actually carcinogenic. We think that disposables are cheap but if you do the calculations you will quickly find that they are far more expensive than cloth diapers. Apart from the effects on budget is the damage these things cause to the environment. It is believed that one disposable diaper will take about 500 years to decompose. That theory has clearly never been tested as they haven't been around that long. However, because nothing natural is used in making disposables how can it ever decompose?


Cloth diapers today have come a far way since the terry toweling and safety pins of our childhoods. I know I make cloth diapers. Let me tell you; they are beautiful! They are easy to wash and so easy to wear. My little one has never had a rash problem wearing cloth diapers. We've never had accidents. And believe it or not cloth is actually far more hygenic. Cloth diapers are truly convenient! Cloth diapers tick all my boxes.

As a hippie organic homesteading mama there is no alternative to cloth diapers.


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