Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD. Dr. Rachael does not vaccinate her new baby!

If two prominent TV Doctors changed their minds when presented with the hard evidence of CDC Fraud on the most important M.M.R Vaccine and Autism study, maybe you should consider it too!

At first in the film, Dr. Ross and Dr. Sears are both interviewed at their places of practice, and both talk about how they follow the CDC Vaccine Schedule, and how important the CDC books and information are in their practice.

One of the most convincing moments in the movie "VaxXed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe," is when Dr. Rachael Ross and Dr. Jim Sears, of the daytime talk show, "The Doctors" are presented by their former Emmy-Award Winning Producer, Del Bigtree, with a thick handful of documents provided by the CDC Whistleblower Scientist, Dr. William Thompson.

When Del Bigtree reconnects with them to ask them what they thought, they both act stunned. Dr. Rachael Ross says,

"It's really unbelievable, how blatantly the data was switched around. It made me question whether or not this organization that mandates how I practice medicine, if they are lying about this ... what else am I being lied to about?"

Dr. Jim Sears concluded:

"I'm still trying to digest it, because this study which was used to give the definitive answer to us Pediatricians, that the M.M.R. was not related to Autism, I feel like I've been lied to. ... The data that they excluded was really, really significant. Everything I've been telling my patients for the last 10 years was based on a lie and a cover-up."

Dr. Rachael Ross has issued a statement on her Website, entitled: "Vaccines, Vaccine Injury, & My Perspective as a Doctor & Mom"


When the film VaxXed started showing in several theatres around the USA and Canada, Dr. Rachael Ross, was on a Question & Answer panel and actually said,

"I almost feel like an ass ... I was blindly, like a robot, following through with this, with no real data, no information, didn't know what was in them. That's part of what makes us all feel real bad, and its part of why physicians are very resistant to this information. Because you have to sit at home and re-digest and relearn everything and come to terms with the damage that you potentially caused."

     Watch YouTube Video Below:

She was bravely spoke out at the 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally in Santa Monica, declaring to the cheering crowd, "My Child, My Choice".

   Watch YouTube Video Below:

Dr. Rachael Ross had her first baby after being interviewed in the film, VaxXed. With the new information she discovered, she has decided NOT to vaccinate her own child.

To Read More Stories about Vaccine Injury and the VaxXed Movie, Visit Me @canadian-coconut

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