Did Your Doctor Give You the Required Vaccine Packet Insert? Hands up, please! Nobody? Never Ever? I find that Disturbing.

Are you "Anti-Vaccine" just for expecting your Doctor to follow directions on the Vaccine Package Insert provided by the Pharmaceutical Company?

Every vial of vaccine, by law, comes with it's own Package Insert -- you know, that thin, fine print paper that goes in every pharmaceutical product that you buy?

Look at how huge the M.M.R. insert is?

Here's an HPV Vaccine Insert

Are you "Anti-Vaccine" when you expect your Doctor to know and inform you of the Contra-Indications, in case you or your child is one of the people that the Pharmaceutical Company says is most likely to be injured by their product?

Should your Doctor first make sure that you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the Vaccine Insert?

Should your Doctor let you know if the Vaccine Insert says that someone with your family history should avoid this vaccine?

Should your Doctor NOT give other "Live Vaccines" like Chickenpox at the same sitting if the Vaccine Insert says to separate those vaccines by a month?

Each vaccine has a Patient Information section that is to be torn off and given to the patient.

Below is what the Vaccine Insert says a Doctor's Duty is before administering the vaccine.

* The health-care provider should determine the current health status and previous vaccination history of the vaccinee.
* The health-care provider should question the patient, parent, or guardian about reactions to a previous dose of M-M-R II or other measles-, mumps-, or rubella-containing vaccines.
* The health-care provider should provide the vaccine information required to be given with each vaccination to the patient, parent, or guardian.
* The health-care provider should inform the patient, parent, or guardian of the benefits and risks associated with vaccination. For risks associated with vaccination see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, and ADVERSE REACTIONS.
* Patients, parents, or guardians should be instructed to report any serious adverse reactions to their health-care provider who in turn should report such events to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1-800-822-7967.{49}
* Pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months following vaccination, and patients should be informed of the reasons for this precaution (see INDICATIONS AND USAGE, Non-Pregnant Adolescent and Adult Females, CONTRAINDICATIONS, and PRECAUTIONS, Pregnancy).
      • Please Watch the Featured Video here of Andy Wakefield and Polly Tommey Reading the MMR Package Insert. They shed a lot of light on how IMPORTANT the Vaccine Insert is and how to understand it.

... And let's not forget the HUGE list of possible Adverse Reactions on the Vaccine Insert.

If only Doctors and Nurses actually followed the instructions and precautions on the Vaccine Inserts provided by Pharmaceutical Companies themselves, the number of serious injuries would be much smaller, and we may not have the huge "Anti-Vaccination" movement that we have today.

Vaccine Injury is NOT RARE -- However, Doctors that will show you the Vaccine Insert and take the listed Precautions ARE RARE.

No wonder people don't trust Doctors Advice when it comes to Vaccination anymore. They say how "educated" that they are compared to us "lay people" -- yet only us "lay people" have enough common sense to realize that Vaccines should not be given out like candy and that they contain more than saline solution and a few viruses.

Considering that a doctor will almost always ignore any of the adverse reactions that you report after a vaccination, why bother?? They aren't looking out for your best interest. Personally, I'ld rather take my chances with the measles than with such incompetence from a doctor administering vaccines.

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For more stories on Vaccine Injury, follow me @canadian-coconut

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