We Don't Vaccinate -- Could I Forgive Myself if my Child Became Injured or Died?

"I could never live with myself if my child died from a Vaccine-Preventable Disease."

As a non-vaccinating mom, I have heard that many times. But let me ask you this.

Could you live with yourself if your child died or was seriously injured from vaccines that you chose to give him?

Whether you are Pro-Vaccine or Anti-Vaccine, or somewhere in the middle, NOBODY wants their child to die or be injured. We all love our children. I know that!

That's why I hate how this issue is used to divide people. I hate it when people say that I am getting kids killed by informing people of vaccine dangers. I hope you realize that what I am doing here on Steemit is trying to SAVE CHILDREN. I'm sharing truth that people usually refuse to talk about.

The mainstream media doesn't talk about all the people killed and injured by vaccines. So I'm using this Steemit Uncensored Platform to do that.

If you consider truth dangerous, and think that it is better for me to shut up than to allow people Informed Consent on Medical Decisions ... well, I don't know what to say to you except ignore you. Because I'll keep telling the truth.

The Truth is that many, many people are injured and killed each day because of VACCINATION. That's the truth. Do with it what you will.

The mom, Jacqueline, in the video below, knew that vaccines could kill. HER FRIEND'S CHILD DIED FROM VACCINATION while she was pregnant. She attended the funeral!

However, she still felt the pressure to vaccinate, so she chose a delayed vaccine schedule for her third child, Banks. She waited until the age of 3 to get Banks the M.M.R. Vaccine along with a DTap and HepB.

Up until that fateful day at 3-years-of age, her child had been developing normally.

But the very next day, he couldn't walk or talk anymore.

Overnight, he became autistic.

   PLEASE, Please Watch This 11-Minute Interview Video


What stood out for me in this video is how much GUILT this poor mother feels. She is utterly exhausted and traumatized and scared for her child's future. Her focus now has to be on how to save her 8-yr-old son, Banks. He will never be able to leave his parents. She says that it is a "Freaking Mess".

Please Listen to the Video. https://www.facebook.com/VaxXed/videos/759554904187551/

The grieving mother, Jacqueline says ...

"You feel like giving up every day. You don't feel like it's getting any better. No matter how many therapies and how much I try, it's never gets better.

"And I feel so responsible because I knew, every single time I took him in to get a shot that it wasn't working. And I'm the one that was alone and did it that day, and I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE MYSELF for that.

It's an extremely painful place to be, when you have children that you just can't fix."

"I feel like I did it, and I can't reverse it. I drove him there that day. I signed the stupid paper and did it. And I can't take it back. I go to therapy every Tuesday, and it's still not working."

I really, truly hope that Jacqueline finds a way to forgive herself. It wasn't really her fault. It is the fault of the C.D.C. and the Pediatricians, and the Media for telling us that we don't love our children if we don't vaccinate them.

I know for myself, that given the knowledge I already have of vaccine injuries and how common that they are, that I would be more able to live with the guilt of a "vaccine-preventable" disease injuring my child, than I would be if it was a vaccine-induced injury.

I know that the odds of vaccine injury are greater than the odds of injury from measles for example. I have researched extensively. I have looked at each individual vaccine risks compared to the risks of each illness that vaccine is supposed to prevent. And in each case, the risks of vaccinating are greater than the risk of the illness.

If I now were to vaccinate any of my children, and they were to be injured or dead from that vaccine, I don't know if I could forgive myself. I know too much to bury my head in the sand now and just do what society expects me to do.

Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.

For More Vaccine Injury Stories, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

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