We Don't Vaccinate -- Spotting the "Vaccine-Free" Child

"How Did You Know That He Was Unvaccinated?" the lady asked looking surprised.

OK, let's go back to the beginning of the story. My husband, Raphael, can easily spot unvaccinated children.

TRUE STORY: Last year Raphael was in line to make a purchase at Canadian Tire. A vibrant, handsome and healthy boy of about 10 years of age was in front of him in the line, with his mother.

My husband spoke up and said, "I'm glad to see that you never injected aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG and mercury into your son!" Her surprised response was ... "How Did You Know That He Was Unvaccinated?"

Ha ha ... my husband has no fear. Yes, his big mouth can get him in trouble occasionally, but I'll never be bored being married to him, that's for sure.

When people see us out with our three happy, healthy, unvaccinated children, we are often told how beautiful our family is, and my husband will give the same type of response,

"Thank-you. That is because we don't inject our beautiful babies with aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG or mercury!"

Most people just smile and go on their ways. I actually think that they have no idea what he is talking about and assume that of course no parent would ever do such a thing.

They don't know that he is talking about the ingredients in vaccines and that almost every parent does do it! If they inquire more about it, then of course Raphael will happily go on to explain the dangers of vaccines and why we avoid them.

As for me, I am the type of person that doesn't notice the color of ones eyes, or if a friend has new haircut or has changed something about their appearance. That's just me. I don't spot those things as easily as my husband does.

But even I have noticed for many, many years that something just wasn't quite right about a lot of babies and children. I didn't know what it could be or how to explain it. ... Until I heard a talk by Dr. Andrew Moulden of Quebec, Canada.

Dr. Andrew Moulden noticed that children were having STROKES after vaccination!

Yes, you heard that right. STROKES! STROKES IN CHILDREN!!!

This is an excellent article that explains Dr. Andrew Moulden's finding.


You can watch Dr. Moulden speaking on YouTube By Clicking Below:

Signs of a Stroke or Palsy can be seen in the eyes, when the eyes won't both look straight ahead or in the same direction.

Signs of a Stroke or Palsy can be seen when the face droops to one side

Some example pictures are below.

Please Visit My Blog @canadian-coconut to read more about Vaccine Injury

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