Coffee now comes with a cancer label.... so what are the alternatives to drinking coffee?

I know there are sooooo many coffee lovers out there and this information is hard to believe, you may not want to believe it or you may not care 'because it won't happen to me' but it's better to be informed than not, so please keep reading.....


How is Coffee cancer causing?

The coffee bean has to be roasted and during this process a chemical called acrylamide which is a carcinogen present in the coffee, carcinogens can cause cancer. Now coffee companies will have to print a warning label

If this doesn't change your mind then the reminder of the coffee industry being for the very most part an unethical business that has caused the destruction of natural habitats and wildlife. coffee beans take a long time to develop and grow, its very labor intense and the plant is very sensitive to environmental changes, which may put the crop under threat entirely considering the climate is not stable. Yes it does provide jobs for people, but the work is hard and wages a low. Realistically long term into the future it's not a sustainable cash crop.


I was like most people, a coffee addict and I had no idea it was a problem apart from all the crashes and cravings I would experience, that I thought was in no way related to coffee (because I had been drinking it from a young age) but I discovered a lot of information out theretelling me otherwise...

...did you know if you quit coffee you can prevent skin aging and live a less stressful life, also you won't wake up as tired anymore! All this informationwas enough for me to give it up and I have never looked back!

I know you like the taste, the smell, the temporary perk it gives you!

Ok maybe a coffee once in a blue moon isn't going to harm you but the substance itself is highly addictive and more often people have a coffee everyday if not several times a day.

For me the best way to kick a habit was to just stop altogether, and like with most addictive substances it's hard.

So what are the alternatives?

Well there are loads and lot's of them are pain relievers, anti depressants and super healthy!

If you are looking for flavor, texture and over look that's similar to Coffee go for...

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Raw Cacao
Ancient medicinal drink for Its stimulating properties to lifts your mood and protect your body. Raw means its unroasted and therefore contains more health benefits compared to coffee

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It's not a stimulant but I find the effects of it do lift your mood, its full of antioxidants too.
It's a good sub if you want to get off caffeine


Not so much like a dark coffee but more like a spiced butterscotch latte, smooth energy boost, mood lifter, great for hormonal health but NOT for pregnant or breastfeeding women


Chai spiced herbal Tea
These spices have a stimulating and warming effect on the body,
you can buy versions with or without black tea, drink black or with alternatives milks

There are other alternatives that aren't so much like coffee but are stimulating....These are great morning drinks...


Ginger, Lemon and Hot water Extremely cleansing,
hydrating and stimulating,
really easy to make.


Fruit smoothie or green smoothie fresh pure juice or with milk alternatives for Natural sugars,
vitamins and nutrients to support the bodies overall health


Coconut water
Full of electrolytes and Hydrating,
best straight from the coconut if you can

Stronger stimulants
(with every stimulant can be negative side effects, especially sensitive people, jitters, anxiety, heart palpitations) I do not recommend these especially if you are pregnant or on medication.


Asian and North American herbal medicine
because of its anti inflammatory properties

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Antioxidant rich green tea from Japan, can be made like a latte,
it's getting so popular even starbucks sells it now but it's better to make your own!


Yerba Mate
Called the tea of the God's
a national drink from Argentina
and thought to be a cancer curer


A berry found in the Amazon,
Highly energizing more than normal caffeine drinks

There are also brands available that are selling coffee alternatives (that are close to the look and taste of coffee) but are herbal / without caffeine, you can check these out here.

I hope you will choose to drink less coffee and try some alternatives :)


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All images are sourced and labeled for reuse

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