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Skin Disease and Maintaining Youthful Beautiful Skin. A Guide For The Drinkers From The Fountain Of Youth!

Just like your brain, stomach and heart, your skin is also a valuable organ. As a matter of fact, it is the largest organ in the body. However, it is very easy for us to take our skin for granted. Unless there is a problem, you might not give much attention to your skin, but you have to understand that the skin has a crucial task to do.

Our skin can multitask, as it has many essential functions and all of which are primarily designed to help keep the body working properly. If you will not pay attention to the health of your skin, it will not work effectively as it should.

The skin is like a bodyguard, as it offers a great level of protection. One of the most valuable jobs of the skin is to serve as a barrier to different harmful environmental aggressors such as UV radiation, bacteria and germs. The acid mantle of the skin is essential to prevent any bacteria from attacking the skin that could cause infection. The skin gives the body a complete layer of protection so that the other organs of the body will effectively work.

However, just like the other organs in the body, anyone can be at risk of skin diseases that can be caused by many different factors. Serious skin issues should never be taken lightly, as skin disorders can be life threatening. Many skin issues are temporary and they can be treated with simple medications, but it is always best to seek professional assistance to ensure that your skin is always at its best condition.

As a protective outer shell of the body, the skin is exposed to many different chemicals and environmental factors that could damage it or reduce its overall function. Many harmful elements, including infections, scrapes, sunlight, chemicals and cuts keep this seemingly delicate organ under assault.

We are not saying that a flawless exterior cannot be achieved, but of course, it takes effort. The key to healthy and glowing skin is in your hands. It also pays to understand skin care basics to ensure that your skin will stay in good shape. To protect your skin from any diseases and skin problems, it is important to dive deeper into the essential Skin Disease Dynamics – Important Information On Skin Diseases.

Skin Disease Basics

When asked to name the major organs in the body, the skin, which is the body’s largest organ, is something that might not immediately come to your mind. The skin or the integumentary system works to protect the body from any infection. Moreover, it regulates temperature, excretes wastes and effectively prevents dehydration through controlling the perspiration level in the body. The skin also houses sensory receptors that are essential in detecting pressure, sensation and pain.

The skin is also the initial defense of the body against viruses, bacteria and some other microbes. The hair and skin provide great protection from any harmful UV radiation.

Of course, there are also many different skin diseases that anyone may suffer from due to different elements and factors. Some skin diseases are innocuous. Such skin issues may be uncomfortable or annoying, but they are basically easily treated. Nevertheless, there are also some skin conditions that are serious, dangerous and even life threatening.

To maintain healthy skin, you need to always keep yourself informed. Discover the skin disease basics to find the right answers or solutions to the common skin diseases that you or your love one might be suffering from.

Important Facts About Skin Diseases

The skin is always busy protecting your body from harmful chemicals, bacteria and some other damaging invaders. It is important to understand the risk factors and skin diseases that you may acquire to ensure that your skin will work at its best and serve its main function.

Scaly skin, oozing sores and itchy rash – these are only a few of the many skin disease symptoms that you may experience. There are practically over three thousand kinds of disorders and skin diseases. Some are easily treated and temporary, while others can actually persist lifelong and can even cause disability, emotional distress and chronic symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Skin Diseases

Thousand of skin diseases and skin issues vary in their symptoms and signs. Common symptoms and signs may include:




-Blotchy Rash 

-Burning Bumps without itching or pain 

-Dry skin 

-Butterfly Rash 

-Itchy Rash


-Flesh-colored growths

-Painful bumps 

-Scaly dry or oily rash 

-Pus-filled lesions 

-Peeling skin 

-Yellowish skin 

-White Scaly Rash

-Common Causes of Skin Diseases

Skin diseases have different causes. Some of the symptoms are because of non-dermatologic issues, while others include:


-Ingested allergens or contact with the skin

-Infection caused by parasites, viruses, fungi and bacteria

-Illnesses or diseases that affect other body parts

-External elements such as insect bites, animal dander and the damaging effects of the sun

-Dysfunction or weakness of the immune system

There are a lot of different types of skin diseases. Pregnant women, children, elderly individuals, infants and those who are suffering from certain medical conditions experience certain skin issues more than others.

Various medical conditions have also been associated with skin issues. 

Some diseases in other parts of the body may also cause skin symptoms such as autoimmune disease, diabetes, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease, sex hormone imbalance and liver disease.

It is important to note that the skin is very susceptible to both external and internal factors. Stress and diet are two internal factors that may affect the health of the skin.

The sun and other external factors have great impacts to the skin. The sun can help the skin produce Vitamin D, but too much sun exposure can lead to sunburn, wrinkles and worse, skin cancer.

Many people will develop some type of skin issue at one point in their lives. Whether they suffer from skin bumps, skin rags, skin fungus, itchy skin or a rash, visiting a dermatologist is the best person to see to obtain the best dermatological treatments available.

Checking Your Skin

What you do today will show up in your skin in the future. It is up to you to start taking care of your body, and doing so will also show instantly on your skin.

Throughout your life, the genetic factors and the environment will cause your skin to wear and tear. It is the natural process of aging. However, you do not have to witness the premature aging of your skin without doing anything. Your overall beauty also lies on the beauty and glow of your skin. That is why it is crucial to do the necessary actions and ensure that your skin remains healthy. You can and should take important measures to prevent premature skin aging and other related skin care problems.

What you eat and how you treat your body and your skin today has immense effects on your looks. Keep in mind that no product can ever replace a healthy lifestyle. Your skin is directly affected by anything you put into your body, so having a balanced diet is crucial to the health of your skin.

Regular skin checks are vital, as it will help you understand your own skin and gain a better understanding of what’s normal on your skin and what’s not. By having a regular skin check, you are giving yourself a great chance of identifying the signs of skin damage before things get worse. 

Checking your Skin for Skin Diseases

The most common of all cancers is skin cancer, afflicting over 2 million Americans every year, a number that’s growing rapidly. If properly diagnosed and early detected, skin cancer can also be the easiest type of cancer to cure. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct a regular skin check to prevent yourself from suffering from this skin issue and other skin diseases that you may suffer from in the future.

Who Should Conduct Skin Checks?

You should actually be the one conducting this and if you have kids, start teaching them at an early age to check their skin, so they can do it on their own by the time they reach teenage years. With annual skin tests by a dermatologist, a self-exam is one of the best ways to make sure that you do not become a statistic in the great battle against skin cancer.

When to Perform Skin Checks

Skin examination must be performed regularly. It can notify you about the changes happening in your skin and can aid in the early detection of some skin diseases and skin cancer. You should perform it often and make skin checks your habit.

It might also be very helpful to have a professional doctor or dermatologist conduct a whole-body examination first to make sure that any existing moles, freckles or spots are normal and if not, proper treatment can be rendered.

Things to Look for when Checking your Skin

There are relatively three major skin cancer types – melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These skin cancer types have various different appearances, so it is very important for you to know any early warning sign. Always look for change of any kind on your skin. Never ignore any suspicious spot just because it doesn’t hurt. Remember that skin cancer may be painless, but can be harmful and life threatening at the same time.

When you notice any change to your skin during your self-exams, do not overlook it and never delay. Consult your doctor immediately, preferably, an expert who specializes in skin diseases.

Visiting the Dermatologist

Do you have red, flaky or itchy skin? Are those over-the-counter lotions and creams not working and just making things worse? You may think then that the main cause of your dry skin is your sensitivity to various skincare products, weather or to the sun. However, in reality, you could be experiencing a chronic skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema. Such issues can be treated efficiently with the help of a dermatologist.

However, some people do not think about visiting a dermatologist and just rely on skincare products and solutions in the market. Indeed, there are some skin issues that you can resolve on your own using natural remedies and solutions. Some steroid treatments and moisturizing lotions are also prescribed to minimize redness and relieve itchiness. Though such strong medicines can give you comfort, they will not cure any skin ailment.

Get the relief that you require by scheduling an appointment with a professional and skilled dermatologist. This is one of the most valuable investments you can make to maintain a healthy and glowing skin that you might have been dreaming about.

What Services can your Dermatologists Give You?

Indeed, taking care of your own skin and some other issues that may show up can be quite stressful. Fortunately, whether it is dry skin, wrinkles, oily skin, red bumps or calluses, these issues are particularly easy to handle on your own with the use of over-the-counter products.

However, you have to keep in mind that not all skin issues can be resolved with the help of skincare products. A dermatologist is an expert who specializes in the overall health of your nails, hair and skin. If you notice any changes of your skin, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist before everything gets worse. If you are unsure whether you need to consult a dermatologist, here are some vital tasks done by a dermatologist you have to keep in mind:

Provides Acne Solution: are your acne problems not responding to any of your over-the-counter skin solutions and treatments? Visiting a dermatologist is the best solution for that. An expert dermatologist can determine the best skin treatment that will work for your lifestyle and acne. For Skin Care Issues: A professional dermatologist can screen you for skin cancer. According to recent data, most people do not get their skin checked every year, which is crucial, especially for those in a high-risk group or those who have over forty moles on the body.

Apart from regular screenings, visiting a dermatologist is important when you notice any change in color, size and shape of any of your moles. Dermatologists can remove all or some of the suspicious tissues and examine them to determine if they are cancerous cells.

If you are being treated for some diseases or other cancers and you are experiencing side effects to your skin because of your medication, a dermatologist can be of great help.

Eczema: A lot of people are suffering from eczema, a chronic conditions that is characterized by flaky skin patches, itchiness and irritation. Dermatologists can help find effective ways to manage the condition and if needed, will prescribe essential medications.

Provide Specialized Care for Nails, Hair and Skin: You can talk to an expert dermatologist about any condition that is affecting your appearance. Psoriasis and warts may not affect your health, but they have a huge impact on the overall quality of your life. Visiting the office of a dermatologist can solve this problem. Stretch marks and skin discolorations can likewise be improved with the help of a dermatologist.

Proper Skin Care Education: If you want to minimize skin damage and you’re concerned about premature skin aging, a competent dermatologist can suggest essential lifestyle changes and products that can reduce your exposure to harmful elements.

Visiting a dermatologist greatly matters. This will not only allow you to enhance the health of your skin and reduce the risk of any skin disease, but can also help increase the quality of your life.

Common Skin Issues

The skin is the body’s largest organ, weighing between six and nine pounds and its surface area measures about two square yards. The skin separates the inside of the body from the outside world, making it more vulnerable to different external factors and damaging outside elements.

The skin is responsible for protecting the body from viruses and bacteria and it regulates the temperature of the body. Some conditions that inflame, clog or irritate your skin can cause some symptoms, like itching, burning, swelling and redness.

Irritants, allergies, your genetic makeup, certain diseases as well as immune system issues can cause hives, dermatitis and some other skin issues. Different skin problems like acne can also have impact to your overall appearance.

To maintain the overall health of your skin, you must be aware of the common skin issues and conditions that you may experience in the future. Having a better understanding of success issues can help you resolve them effectively.

Different Skin Conditions and Problems you need to Keep In Mind

Acne. Most teenagers often suffer from this skin condition. Unfortunately, acne is a skin issue that doesn’t disappear with puberty, as more and more adults are suffering from acne. Stress situations, sweating and great levels of humidity cause acne. Washing and cleaning the skin might not give positive effects and it can be very difficult to deal with. Visiting a dermatologist is the best solution to this issue.

Ingrown Hair and Razor Burn. Shaving irritates sensitive facial skin and razor burn is causes painful skin sensation. Most men are also experiencing consequences, which include serious irritation and red skin. If you do not want to get razor burn, pay more attention to your pre-shave routines. Before shaving, warm water may be used to wash your face. Do not use old and rust razors. Use shaving cream to prepare your skin your shaving and to soften hair. Ingrown hair is also a side effective of shaving.

Sunburns. Do not forget about sun protection, as UV radiation is highly detrimental for the skin. Those who have fair skin color often experience sunburns, as their skin doesn’t produce sufficient amount of melanin to provide their skin enough protection from the sun. Apply sunscreen before going on the street. Once you’re indoors, applying some moisturizer is also important.

Dark Circles. If you’re to stressed at work and do not get enough sleep, your skin will be negatively affected. Bad eating habits will also affect the condition of your skin. The combinations of such things will cause dark under-eye circles.

Rashes. A rash is an indication of an abnormal change in the texture or color in skin. Rashes often happen because skin inflammation, which can also have different causes.

Bruises. These are common skin injuries resulting in skin discoloration. The blood from the damaged blood cells beneath the skin gathers near the skin surface which result in what you may think of as blue and black mark.

Dry Skin. Constant air heating and cold temperatures may cause skin irritation. Itchy and dry skin is a normal thing, especially during the winter season. To solve this problem, it is necessary for you to apply moisturizers every day, which can be very helpful in softening rough skin.

These are just among the many skin problems that you may experience. If you notice any change in the color or size of your skin, seeking professional assistance is the best solution to rectify the issue.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer can develop in the early stages of your life and it may begin where you see it. The first signs may be a changing mole, a slowly growing bump or even a scaly and dry rough patch. It is of note that most skin cancers can effectively be cured, especially when they are treated before they spread.

The primary key to a skin cancer free life is to detect skin cancer early and this can be done by knowing your skin. Check your skin on your own and if you notice a growing lump or a particular spot that is starting to grow, change or bleed, schedule an appointment to a professional dermatologist.

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, especially in the United States. While skin cancer can be very dangerous, early detection makes it even more curable. It pays more to have an in-depth understanding of the disease so that you won’t be counted with the millions of people who are suffering from skin cancer today.

Important Facts to Know About Skin Cancer 

Fact #1. There are basically three skin cancer types: Melanoma, Squamous cell Carcinoma and Basil Cell Carcinoma, each of which has different characteristics that you need to know.

Melanoma starts in the cells that produce skin pigments – the melanocytes. It also often begins as an abnormal mole that turns cancerous that may spread quickly. This type of cancer usually appears on individuals with fair skin, but people with any skin type may also be effected.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Although it is more aggressive as compared to the other two skin cancer types, this is very treatable. This accounts for about 20% of all skin cancers. This type of cancer may appear as red and scaly skin patches or nodules and may be found on areas with much sun exposure, such as the mouth, lips, ears and face. However, squamous cell carcinoma can easily spread throughout the other body parts if left untreated.

Basil Cell Carcinoma This type of cancer accounts for about eighty percent of the entire skin cancers. This is a highly treatable skin cancer that starts in the epidermis’ basal cell layer and grows slowly. It usually appears as a small nodule or shiny bump on the skin, especially on those areas that are more exposed to the sun like the face, hands, arms, neck and head.

Fact #2. Using indoor tanning beds may increase your likelihood of suffering from melanoma by seventy-four percent. It is important to note that melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

Fact #3. Fair-skinned people are more prone to skin cancer than those with brown or darker complexion. This is especially true for those with red and blond hair. Skin cancer is also rare in children.

Fact #4. The more you expose your skin to sun, the greater your likelihood of having skin cancer. According to research, sunburns in the early life of an individual increase the risk for skin cancer later in his/her life.

Fact #5. The National Cancer Institute revealed that a change in the shape, feel, color or size of any existing mole is the very first sign of melanoma. If you notice any chance in your mole, seek professional help immediately. This is important to obtain expert assistance and effective treatment right away.

Stress and Skin

As said before, there are many internal and external factors that can affect your skin, and stress is one of the most common internal factors that have strong effects on the skin. Undoubtedly, stress can affect your entire body, including your hair and skin health. Keep in mind that your emotions have powerful effects on your skin, so it is crucial to manage your emotions for an overall great health.

How you feel on the inside could affect how you look on the outside. As a matter of fact, various studies have linked different factors that affect one’s emotional well-being, including anxiety, depression and stress to an increase in problems with nails, hair and skin.

If you are wondering how stress can manifest itself on your appearance, then it pays to understand how stress affects your skin.

Link Between Stress and your Skin

Stress causes a chemical response within your body, which makes your skin more reactive and sensitive. It can also make it more difficult for skin issues to heal. If you notice, you break out more if you’re stressed. This is actually due to the fact that stress can cause your body to generate cortisol and some other hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to generate more oil. Having oily skin can make you more at risk to acne and some other skin issues.

Moreover, stress can worsen skin issues. It can also interfere with your daily skin care. It is also a known trigger for seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, fever blisters and has been known to impair the barrier function of the skin, allowing more infectious agents, allergens and irritants to penetrate the skin and cause issues.

Besides the direct physical effects of stress, many patients who are under stress also have the tendency to abuse or neglect their skin. For instance, they lack the motivation and energy to stick to their skin care regimens. There might also be some signs of stress-related behaviors, including rubbing, pulling or scratching that can aggravate the problems.

With proper diagnosis by a professional dermatologist, efficient treatments enhance the function and the appearance of the skin. This can substantially lessen patients’ stress as well as improve their skin condition.

When an expert dermatologist treats both the stress and the skin, the skin health improves and it commonly clears more rapidly and completely, as those influences of stress are also diminished. This will in turn help decrease the overall level of anxiety of the patient. The patient may also start to feel even better about the way they look and feel about themselves.

To manage stress and reduce its effects on the skin, proper hygiene and a balanced diet is necessary. You should also never neglect the important skincare routine that you need to perform for healthier glowing skin.

Genetics and Skin Disorders

Despite its impressive size and comparative toughness, a lot of problems and issues can plague the skin. Harmful ultraviolet sun radiation can damage the DNA in the cells of the skin, which could lead to sunburn or worse, cancer.

Moreover, the effects of windy and dry climates can reduce skin moisture, leading to chapped and painful skin areas. Sebaceous glands of the skin can also become clogged and that can cause acne and pimples.

You can take different measures in order to prevent any skin damage caused by environmental exposure. However, it is important to remember that other skin problems can take place from the inside of your body and are the result of some genetic mutations that you might have inherited from your parents. Such inherited skin issues are collectively known as genodermatoses.

It is highly important to understand the relationship of your genes or genetic makeup and skin problems to learn more about how genetics are involved in skin disorders.

Learn More About Genetic Skin Diseases

Genodermatoses or genetic skin diseases are heritable skin conditions that primarily affect the skin as well as its appendages. These can be attributed to single gene mutations that may be transmitted by just one or both carrier parents. They may also arise as a new event during the process of maturation of egg or sperm cells in healthy parents.

The overall ranges of these genetic dermatological disorders are actually far-reaching. Others, such as psoriasis can be treatable and mild with natural remedies. Some, such as harlequin-type ichthyosis can be serious.

Epidermolysis Bullosa. This is one of the most common inherited skin diseases leading to blistering from just mild pressure or moderate changes. Usually, people have a blister response once the inner and outer layers of their skin become separated.

Lamellar Ichthyosis. This skin disorder is relatively rare. Those patients with lamellar ichtyosis develop thin scales on their skin. Generally, the patients may develop signs and symptoms of the disease in early childhood, Cutaneous Porphyria. This skin disorder makes up 6 different types of inherited disorder porphyria. In every disorder, patients can’t produce sufficient enzymes that generate heme, an essential red blood cell component that is responsible for delivering oxygen to the body. Those who are suffering from this disease may have very photosensitive skin. The skin also develops blisters, redness and painful irritation after being exposed to the sun, even for a short period of time.

Why You Need To Maintain Healthy Skin

Skincare and beauty go hand in hand, so if you want to remain beautiful, maintaining healthy skin is crucial.

Bear in mind that your skin is the largest organ in your body and it comes into contact with various elements in the world, being exposed to the damaging heat of the sun and other environment factors that could affect its overall health. It also holds fluids in the body, keeps damaging microbes out and prevents dehydration. Without the skin, you would be prone to more diseases and would get infections.

More than a beautiful makeup and a great wardrobe, glowing and healthy skin actually turns heads. Your skin plays a crucial role in securing your body, so you have to keep it as healthy and glowing as you can.

It may be the largest organ in your body yet there are still a lot of things you do not know about your skin! Remember that our skin reflects our overall health so keeping it healthy is of paramount importance.

Healthy Skin Matters: 

Importance of Maintaining Healthy Skin The skin has a lot of essential functions associated with it. As the largest organ of the body, your skin has crucial roles to play such as: 

It is the first defense of your body against infection and diseases, protecting you from dirt, bacteria, viruses and some other foreign objects. 

It safeguards all your internal organs from potential injuries.

It works effectively in regulating your body temperature. 

It regulates the fluids in your body, preventing fluid loss and helping the body eliminate excess salt and water.

It consists of nerve endings that sense texture and temperature.

It protects you from the damaging UV rays of the sun.

It synthesizes chemicals to keep body cells regenerating, effectively repairing any damage and converting sunlight into vitamin D.

Behind the hairy and smooth outer skin that you see is a thick, elastic and strong tissue layer called dermis. It is supplied with never endings, oil glands, sweat and blood vessels. If you have healthy skin, then you have smooth, glowing skin, without any breaks in the surface. Healthy skin is a reflection of a healthy body.

Maintaining healthy skin is important to make sure that the skin will work effectively. It is also crucial, so that your skin will remain active in protecting the rest of your body. If you want your skin to function, you need to keep it healthy.

There are various things to do to keep your skin healthy. Eating a well balanced diet it necessary to maintain its overall health. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein foods and drink lots of fluids.

Your skin is also served by a huge number of blood vessels and proper circulation is required to maintain healthy skin. Make positive lifestyle changes and eliminate those bad habits such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Always keep your skin dry and clean by washing it daily with water and soap. Avoid the use of items that may dry your skin such as harsh lotions and soaps. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure.

Your skin will reveal how old or healthy you are. Maintaining healthy skin means having a healthy body. Therefore, you need to ensure that your skin is always in good shape, not only to obtain essential body protection but also to increase the quality of your life.

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