Exercises to Make your Buttocks Bigger Fast

Exercises to Make your Buttocks Bigger Fast


 Make your plan of action – get bigger buttocks requires some discipline While the muscles of the body in general depend on our body type and genetics, you can increase the size of the buttocks when performing butt exercises consistently.The results can be seen after taking part in programs designed to increase muscle mass, in about eight weeks.Each time you want to make a part of your body larger such as the buttocks, you have to exercise.This action plan requires both mental discipline and physical effort. We also need to make some dietary changes as we perform the right training program.

Watch your daily calorie intake – increasing your calorie intake increases the size of your buttocks

It is important to know the amount of calories that you’re eating every day so you can regulate weight gain. You should monitor your calorie intake for a week, the total sum and divide by 7 to get an average.To this number you should add 250 to get the number of calories you should consume each day. For example, if we have an average of 2,100, we should consume 2,350. It is important to eat foods rich in fats, carbohydrates and proteins.Protein can help rebuild muscle tissue that is broken, fat increases the production of testosterone in the body to promote muscle gain and carbohydrates provide us the energy to exercise every day.

Eat often during the day – larger buttocks requires a plentiful supply of nutrients

Frequent consumption of food will give our muscles a steady supply of nutrients, raising the level of our energy to make it easier for us to consume more calories.As soon as we get out of bed, we have to start our first meal and we have to eat every 2-3 hours continuously. Each meal should include protein. If we want a healthy choice, we can have a tuna sandwich with tomato and lettuce.

Make butt exercises to encourage the growth of your buttocks

You can start with hip extension exercises. This allows you to move your thighs back, making them toned while strengthening your gluts.These exercises include squats, leg press and step-ups. This is important when using proper lifting machines for the most attractive benefits of our exercises.You can also lift heavy weights to get a great ass. If we lift light weights, we will not be able to build muscles quickly enough. In addition, after doing all your training, you need to rest your body and buttocks for 72 hours for proper recovery.Building muscles includes resting periods so your gains are not compromised.

The best exercises to firm your buttocks




 Without a doubt is among the finest known exercises for the buttocks, thighs and hip and legs. This is absolutely essential for just about any leg exercise routine. You can certainly do it with unique variants, using a barbell, dumbbell or perhaps the weight of the body to generate resistance.Stand strait and get your legs spread around to shoulder width. If you are using dumbbells, these may be aside of the body (one in each side) with arms extended to the factors (at shoulder elevation).If you are using weight bar, cross the bar behind the head and shoulders and carry it tight. Bend your legs so that your body descends. Make an effort that your thighs are parallel to the ground, and that the imaginary line of the knee does not surpass the toes. Carry this position for a few seconds before returning to the starting job. The movement should be gradual and deliberated. 




The position may be the same as the prior exercise and you may also use the barbell or dumbbells for resistance. Feet shoulder width. Rather than heading down to the floor, what you want to do is consider making a step forward with one foot, the most exaggerated you can walk without losing balance. Maintain your shoulders above your hips. The back leg must bend to contact the floor with the knee. The forward knee should not exceed the line of the toe. Go back to the starting position and do it again with the different leg. 

 Hip Extension


All we have to do is a very simple movement as we simply must take one leg, and extended all the way back as if you were doing a back kick. The way to do so is concentrating all movement on the part of the hips and buttocks, never on the back or lower back. When performing this movement you must concentrate all thrust into the buttocks, for which we will not go all the way down, but you will be halfway to return to push up as if you had a weight that keeps you moving your leg back. You must perform this routine with both legs and can carry out four sets of ten to twenty repetitions for each leg. 



Standing in front of a high bench, tilt one knee at 90 degrees and stand on it. Place one foot on the chair and elevate your body using your muscles (thighs and buttocks) stretch as much as possible, your leg must be fully stretched. The other leg should not touch the bench. Maintain the pose for a few seconds and slowly descend. Repeat 5 times and then switch legs. 


Butt Squeeze


Place your elbows, forearms and knees on the floor. Knees to the hips. Elbows straight with your shoulders. You must tighten your abdominals and back. Now lift one leg until the knee is to your hip height, bent. Squeeze your butt for three seconds and descend to the starting position. Make fifteen repetitions before moving to the other leg. 


Back Kicks


Start your exercise, placing your knees, elbows and forearms on the floor. Squeeze your stomach and lift one leg to hip height, bending the knee. The kicks can be made both up (as if the foot touched the ceiling) or back, stretching the leg straight.  You must hold for a few seconds. Do ten repetitions and then switch to the other leg. For exercise to have more impact, you can use some weights on your ankles. 


Pelvis Lift


Lie on your back on the floor or a mat, placing the soles of the feet on the ground and bending your knees. Arms at the side of your body. Elevate the pelvis straight up, putting pressure on the butt and thighs. The back should be diagonally to the ground. Hold the pose for a few seconds and then return to the initial position, without touching the floor with your buttocks. Do ten reps, rest and do another one. You also can place a weight around your abdomen to add more resistance. 

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