Keto-ish Dairy Free Fudge - 2 Ways!

Hey guys! So, a while back I posted about starting a fitness challenge. I was going to do -or rather, with the help of some resistance bands- attempt to do pull-ups daily. My goal was just to get stronger. I wasn't going to talk about pounds or inches. However, I flaked. (Sigh...)

fudge 5.jpg

However, around that time I also posted a video featuring my healthy breakfast and suggesting that everyone should eat their breakfast, when @freedomglen mentioned Keto. A friend of mine also started talking about how great she was feeling while following Keto principles and I decided to give it a try.


Now, ir you've followed me for any length of time, you know I don't really do well in boxes. I like to "crowbar it" and so when I talk about Keto, I say I'm following Keto-ish principals. (Be careful out there- the Keto Police are ready to pounce if you're not careful! 😉)


Anyway, I now eat two meals a day, usually, but will sneak a fat bomb or finish off the kids' cheese & turkey rather than tossing it. I also have given up breads and starches. I am feeling amazing. Like I'm more satisfied than I can ever remember feeling. It helps that I love healthy fats. But honestly, I never thought I would stop missing bread, but I'm feeling so good and when I do have some bread- I can feel the difference.


So, I know lots of keto recipes will use a sweetener such as stevia or Swerve, but I just feel better using honey, coconut sugar, molasses, dates or maple syrup in case the kids get into it. I know, I know. There are some great articles out there regarding the safety of Stevia, but I make choices with my gut and my gut says to stick with my sweeteners.


So, I made these two versions of Keto-ish Fudge and the results were pretty darned TASTY! The first recipe took bananas, coconut oil, raw cacao powder and I added dates and sea salt.


The second batch called for avocados, cacao powder, maple syrup and coconut butter, but it was jamming up the Vitamix so I ended up adding quite a bit of coconut oil and half a can of full fat coconut milk. I then added dates and sea salt. But the second batch is considerably lighter because of the addition of the coconut milk.


Now for the crazy part. I didn't save the recipes. Not that they would have done you much good because I totally changed the amounts as I always do and with the kids all clamoring around waiting to help lick the spoons, well, I just didn't think to write it down either.


So, if you see a recipe for banana keto fudge, give it a try! Truth be told, half my family preferred the banana version. However, my daughter @Tonks and I who are hard-core avocado fans definitely preferred the Avocado variety. Oh! AND if you think you don't like coconut, don't worry- the taste of the coconut milk doesn't really come through with all that cacao and salt. @Tonks does NOT like coconut, but I've had to hide the fudge from her and the rest of the @crowbarkids.


All photos taken with my Android device.


I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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