Dear Diary: I AM Craving For A Stewed Goat


For a not regular goat meat eater like me I just want the meat parboiled with soysauce, chillies, lemon juice, and ginger because it is a kind of a strong meat for my taste as I do not eat goat's meat with years in between with the last time I think as far back as maybe five years ago.

There is something in the taste of the goat's meat that makes me gag, so it better be parboiled first with seasonings and ginger before taking the meat out, discarding the juice and then cooking it gain with some tomato sauce, garlic, onion, liver spread, and seasonings and presto you got yourself a nice stew that can be paired with rice.

There are variations on that recipe and some people use coconut cream instead of tomato sauce, either way it is a delight as long as you have to do the precooking method otherwise some of the people that will eat it will not like it if they are not a regular goat-eater like me.

It is just one of my cravings to eat and sometime sour neighbor cooks some and also sells some goat meat. What I do not like is that they cook the meat still a little tough so it is hard for a person like me with an issue with my chewing just gets a hard time eating their sold goat dishes. I would prefer cooking it myself but I really cannot trust my parents to do that for me.

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