Dear Diary: I Am So Sleepy Tonight And It is A Good Sign


Sleep is so important to me that even though I have an insomnia a few years ago I never leave my bed without getting a nap because I know that my mind won't hold up if I do skip about three consecutive days of sleep time. I also had seen for myself what a sleeplessness does to a person, it just makes them lose their minds.

While I was just starting my dialysis insomnia was one of my greatest enemies. Thank God that it no longer was the issue for my health so I am grateful for that but I had a history of sleeping pill overdosage and it lead to me in a state of coma as barbiturate just shut my brain down.

But my system was cleansed by dialysis and it brought me back but with a fluid in my lungs which was fixed again by dialysis because through dialysis fluids from the body of the patient is drawn out from their system because dialysis patients cannot pee anymore.

My normal hemoglobin levels contributes to y normal sleep cravings because anemic persons have some trouble eating and sleeping while in my case I am not anymore which again a factor that I am so thankful for God to make me a few in a million that is not an anemic dialysis patient that does not need blood transfusions anymore and now it makes me get a good and better sleep which really is worth cherishing about.

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