Despite Data Breaches Most People Trust Their Data With Healthcare Providers

It's estimated that healthcare organizations account for at least 34 percent of all data breaches, about 44 percent of all breached records. These data breaches have effected millions of individuals.

And yet it's still found that most people trust their healthcare providers with their personal data.

At least 549 people were surveyed by the Ponemon Institute recently, and roughly 80 percent of them said they still trusted their healthcare providers to take the proper steps in protecting their data. Interestingly, they trust their healthcare providers more than they trust their financial institutions to protect their stuff.

Aside from healthcare provider data breaches, the other breaches have come from banks, other financial and credit institutions, and the government. And these agencies allegedly spend a lot more on security than the healthcare industry.

For most people visiting the doctor, they said that privacy and security were greatly important to them. At least 63 percent of consumers said that it was a top priority for them, they need to know that they can trust their healthcare provider.

Data breaches are said to be a major influence when it comes to their potential for negatively impacting brand reputation.

There is also a connection to be seen between data breaches and a decline in stock price.

When it comes to maintaining an attitude of trust, there might be some who have changed their mind lately.

A survey by Accenture not long ago found that UK citizens apparently have the lowest levels of trust when it comes to the ability of their healthcare providers to ensure the safety and protection of their personal data.

Another survey, by Consumer Reports, asked roughly 1,007 people about their perspective on things. They found that confidence with consumers has dropped and people are less confident in the capability of various institutions to protect their data.

Hospitals are said to be a magnet for cyber attacks so it is no wonder that there would be many people who are skeptical about their healthcare provider being able to provide them with security and privacy.


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