Dozens of Doctors Pen Letter Over Misinformation Relating To High-Fat Diets

There has been a growing trend over the last several years that has seen more people turn toward looking to consume a low-carb, high-fat diet.

This low-carb, high-fat diet is also commonly referred to as the ketogenic diet or the keto diet.

Along with the increase in interest surrounding this diet there has also been an uptick in warnings from nutritionists and other healthcare professionals who have warned that consuming such a diet would be vastly detrimental to your health.


Not every healthcare professional agrees however and recently dozens of them took to signing a letter that issues warning over the misinformation that we might be hearing in regards to consuming a low-carb, high-fat diet.

Dozens of the doctors who signed the letter not only advocate for such a diet but many allege that they themselves live by such a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle.

They insist that the high-fat diet isn't any sort of fad but it's a diet that has been consumed for thousands of years by humans around the world. It's only for the past few decades that we have been consuming a lot more carbohydrates in our diets. And might it be any coincidence that we now see an epidemic of digestive-related illnesses in many countries? Perhaps...

Physicians admit that not only do they consume this sort of high-fat diet lifestyle for themselves but they admit that they have also recommended it to patients. Many might turn to this diet for weight-loss purposes but doctors insist that there is other benefits that can come from this sort of diet as well.

It's alleged that this lifestyle/way of eating can help to improve hypertension, reduce chronic pain symptoms, reverse chronic disease, and more.

After they have put their patients on these sorts of high-fat, low-carb diets, they have allegedly seen their IBS symptoms improve, sleep improve, weight decrease, inflammation improve, energy increase, and more.

They suggest that natural fats like olives, butter, coconut etc, are more optimal for consumption. Not only that but they also allege that they are able to successfully perform and feel at their optimal and healthiest level when consuming only 20 to 50 grams of carbs daily.

Not only do they argue that people can perform efficiently on this diet but they also allege that this low-carb diet doesn't create any sort of nutritional deficiency but rather they have seen the exact opposite of that.

In their recently released letter, they affirm that they hope to work with nutritionists and dieticians to collectively educate the public on trying to reduce carbs in the lives of many. They also think that by making the decision to drastically reduce carbs, that many people might also be able to eliminate a great deal of their medications.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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