Silent medical Killers 2: Damn, this chest pain...

CHEST PAIN can occur in several diseases including chest infection, peptic ulcer disease, gastro-esophageal reflux disease etc

Lets look at one of the sinister causes
Myocardial Infarction (MI) aka HEART ATTACK

This occurs as a result of the 'death' of a part of the heart muscle due to an interruption in its blood supply following a host of diseases eg high cholesterol level.
Now what do you want to check to ascertain if this chest pain is life threatening
was it sudden in onset?
is it central and crushing?
do you also feel it at your arms and neck?

If yes to any of these, my advice is take this pain more seriously and see a doctor asap.

follow up for more silent medical killers, we are going gynaecological next time. CHEERS

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