Turmeric Curry Powder may aid in treating drug resitant Tuberculosis: A new hope

Drug resistant TB

As a practicing physician I know very well how notorious the multi drug resistant tuberculosis is. The alternated drugs are very few in number, their efficacy is under severe suspicion and the cost is overwhelming. The more worrying fact is that there is no remarkable antibiotics is in pipeline to be made available soon.

Turmeric powder

The powdered turmeric is commonly used in Asia as a colouring and flavouring agent in curry. It is know for its medicinal purposes and according to Indian and Chinese traditional medicine it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and perhaps anti-cancer properties. A new study jointly conducted by 4 universities of India and Vanderbilt University claimed that the curcumin in the turmeric powder is found to be beneficial in treating drug resistant tuberculosis in mice.

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Dr. Govardan Das, one of the researcher said:

Our study has provided basic evidence that curcumin protects against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in human cells.
The protective role of curcumin to fight drug-resistant tuberculosis still needs confirmation, but if validated, curcumin may become a novel treatment to modulate the host immune response to overcome drug-resistant tuberculosis

Source: The Science Daily

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