"If they knew what it was, they'd make it Illegal" 5 Reasons you should start taking He Shou Wu REGULARLY (He SHou What now?)

That quote is one of my favorites from David Wolfe, the nutritionist and Superfood Guru that shares his diverse plant and medicine research with the World.  That's how I found out about He Shou Wu also sometimes known as 'Fo-ti' but it's latin name is Polygonum multiflorum.  Basically it is prepared root that can be taken as a not so great tasting tea (to most western palettes) or more easily as a capsule,  or powder Check out the Hyperlinks peppered in here but if you want a few quick reasons to consider taking this powerful Superherb!

#1 You Start to feel Gooooood

He Shou Wu is an adaptogen, which means it helps regulate your body to more easily be in a state of equilibrium and better handle stress.  As you continue to take the herb over many weeks and months, it's magic starts to accumulate and affects your neurotransmitters boosting your mood, energy and giving you a gentle 'buzz'.  You don't get 'high' you just feel really good for no particular reason and stress starts to not feel as stressful.

#2 Keeps your Hair from turning Grey!

One of this herb's most famous uses is as a hair and nail tonic to nourish and protect the hair.  There are stories of people even reversing their grey hair naturally using this herb.  If you just want strong healthy hair that will stay with you, this herb can help.

#3 Boost your Immunity! Natural Zinc Supplement

With a considerable amount of Zinc present, He Shou Wu helps to nourish the immune system so it can do its job better protecting you from coughs and colds.  A healthy immune system also means you can recover from injuries and infections better.  It is a safe supplement to take throughout the year, but you might want to at least try taking it in the winter during cold season.

#4 Increase Sexual Energy

Oh did I forget to mention that?  In Chinese Medicine, He Shou Wu is considered a Supreme Jing tonic herb.  Jing is like your deepest battery or fuel tank that your body can tap into if your regular functioning energy or 'chi' is depleted.  Many stories in China describe the benefits this plant has had on men with various sexual debilities or low sex drive.  Remember when I said it helps boost energy? Well, I guess you could say it helps both above and below the belt.

#5 Make friends with your Liver and Kidneys.  

If you ever drank Alcohol, you can apologize to your organs with this cleansing herb.  The liver and kidneys do a lot of work to keep your blood clean and deal with all the bad stuff that gets into our system from food, air water and perhaps, wine or other substances that need to be processed and eliminated.  Strengthen you liver and kidneys, help them out a little eh?  You can do damage to yourself, but you can also help your body to function better by eating well and taking plant based medicines that aid the body to do what it does.... digest, eliminate, rest whatever.  Oh and if you suffer from lower back pain, this area gets a boost as it goes to work on the organs in this area.  Stand tall!  (I mean on your feet! but yeah, that too)  Also the liver is considered to be connected with the eyes, so your vision might improve as well.

check it out, there are some links in here and you  should be able to find more information or some decent companies that provide a quality product of this potent tonic herb, in its traditional prepared form.

I don't get anything from them, I just think they have the best quality and value.

To your Health!


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