Do You Support The Opioid Crisis In America?

The opioid crisis claims 90 lives in America, each day.

The economic burden of that national crisis is $78B. Billion.

93% of patients prefer the pain management of (non-toxic/non-lethal) cannabis, over opioids.

Yet, medical doctors (who are still not even taught about the endocannabinoid system in med school!)... they write these scripts of death and addiction, while ignorantly snubbing the superior healing remedy that is cannabis.

If you are a US citizen, and you have not yet voted to repeal the federal prohibition of marijuana then, yes... you approve of and support this insanity, and your passiveness allows it to continue.

Folks who use cannabis -- medically or recreationally -- and can't be bothered to connect these cognitive dots break my heart, and make it hard to distinguish you, from Sessions or Christie.


Let's know better. And do better. Please.


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