Selfie was able to lose weight!


Have you ever been teased by friends since hooked selfie? Do not be sad, because it turns out selfie has an amazing effect, namely to lose weight!

How can?

According to a report from the India Times (18/8), researchers at the University of Alicante in Colombia to learn about 271 obese people who signed up for a diet program. Their main agenda is to track the behavior of your diet and see what motivates them in achieving weight loss goals.

They use several methods of measurement to follow up and see the entire 16 week diet program. Even measuring the body mass index and waist-to-hip circumference, as well as food intake. The researchers let them take pictures selfie to see progress from week to week.

The findings surprisingly secured! It turned out that they were more motivated after seeing the progress of the captured image.


Most of them are more satisfied with the results seen rather than to see the numbers that exist on the scales. That means, the rate of weight loss semerta not necessarily be a reference, as long as they see a change of selfie photograph taken. Interesting right?

The researchers concluded that selfie photos they take can be honest visual element of data rather than their weight loss. So in other words, selfie can improve one's effort to continue their weight loss diet.


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