Is Baking Soda Anti-Inflammatory?

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Baking soda hit the Daily Mail a week ago and popped into several of my groups as a topic of ridicule. That always perks me up to see what the matter is all about.

I’ve been drinking baking soda water for many years, and now you can try. I do it against inflammation, but other people have other reasons to do it.

General themes

  • Baking soda in water once a day is a cure-all
  • Baking soda once a day in water will kill you quick

So one of these is not true. That matter is not generally studied as there is no money in it, so the only thing an accountant like me can do is try it myself. I like it.

You can read 1000 reviews on Amazon for people telling you how they use it and where to get a deal on baking soda.

Baking Soda

  • AKA Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Makes water alkaline. It is the Alka in Alka-Seltzer
  • Seems to be a pick me up
  • gets you a glass of water by taking it
  • is an old timey grandma remedy that is not expensive or patented
  • recently made the news and got de-bunked by the mainstream idiots.

Before you get all worked up

Aside from drinking it, I have other uses for baking soda, so if you are on this anti-inflammatory kick with me - please get some. I use it for:

  • My hair
  • My skin
  • Laundry
  • Cleaning
  • Pest Control
  • Other things I'm forgetting

Directions for drinking baking soda water

  • add a small amount of baking soda to a glass of water each morning and finish is as soon as you can.
  • see how it makes you feel
  • drink this any time you feel like you want to but not too much
  • report back

Can you take this challenge?

Why or why not?

Note: for convenience, you can mix some up and leave it on the counter or in the fridge.

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I was inflamed in the first photo, but not in the second. More in this series:
How to Reduce Inflammation Symptoms
Let’s Reduce Inflammation Now! Getting Started and a @steembasicincome Giveaway

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