Unlocking the Tarzan Within 🌴πŸ’ͺ🐡

I arrived to the USA from Argentina about a week before December 2012 ended, and it didn't take long before I began passionately climbing trees...and turning more into Tarzan every day.

First picture I ever got of me at the top of a tree and beating my overwhelming fear of heights!

My life shifted drastically shortly after moving to Florida as I had a tremendous change of heart and burst of motivation towards my health. In Argentina, I use to be a delusionally depressed, extremely sensitive but angry/frustrated, trying-to-conform, hardcore computer game addict; video screens in general would steal my attention. Mostly because I always wished to be as capable as the video game characters, and on the contrary I was only becoming less capable and feeling more pain, constricting my body for disregarding it...

This caused me to punch my time consuming and not-even-functional computer's screen!

Growing up having to go to school and see doctors/hospitals, I was never taught even the slightest truth about health. In fact, it was purely misguiding/misleading/misinforming formulas and delusional blunder determinations! Thanks to my extreme nature, once I began seeking true wellbeing I was able to exponentially evolve every aspect that was never or barely trained through my entire first 20 years of being "normal"!

I never realized how incredible the human body was until I started using it for myself!Β 

Rock climbing with no gear as usual when playing in nature~ in Rarangi Beach, New Zealand.

At first, thanks to my delusional conditioning, I thought being healthy was merely going to the gym, eating a few fruits, and lots of protein and carbs. However, I was unable to join a gym unless I obeyed my parents, even if it went against my values. I chose not to agree and searched for an alternative. I tried parkour, but it is super frowned upon and intentionally prevented in the land of the free. I didn't know what else to do.

Rome, Italy...back when I could walk.

Using my gym/"normal" mentality, the first thing I noticed on a tree was a "pull up bar" branch, so I did 10 pull ups. The next day I did 20 pull ups, and found a way to do dips, and push ups on the uneven roots at the base. I was constantly discovering infinite possible workouts! I always loved climbing, so I noticed the tree offered something similar to traditional sport rock climbing because that's all my programmed mind could think of before I connected with our conscious tree friends!

"Oi pai! Look up!!" I yelled waving both hands at my dad and our dog, all the way across the street popping out from above the top of this tree and my first time climbing it!

Nature's imperfect perfection is designed for us to evolve and unearth the supremely adaptable creatures we really are!

It took some months for my gym mentality of writing down every single exercise I did to break free from "normal" training to natural, sustainable, free, fun training, though I did get into tree climbing/play (waterfalls and rocks too, though not nearly as accessible as trees) the most, hehe. Constantly evolving and adding boundless diversity for the body to adapt and upgrade within infinite facets such as; movement, flexibility, mobility, balance, coordination, focus, strength, endurance, resistance, impacting, efficiency, effectiveness, awareness, breathing, and endless possibilities!Β 

This is the first waterfall I climbed up and down naked! On the way down a puppy tried following me, and he slipped down the waterfall! This was while hiking along the mountains near our friends farm near JericΓ³, a small town in Colombia.

Creativity is an essentially vital element of freedom and play, especially with the overflowing diversity of possibilities and challenges of all levels of difficulties which nature provides! I learned to intuitively trust my body while discovering and learning all sorts of new movements using my body in ways that feel good! I started to feel it rather than think about it.Β 

The human body is designed to feel fucking AMAZING!

And as my perspective shifted, I got ripped!

This is a video of me hanging on this same tree from that picture, about 12-15 meters in Yucatan, Mexico!

Whether on the ground or in the trees, thanks to my traveling benefits, I explored and played in all sorts of nature environments! Waterfalls, cliffs, boulders, mountains, caves, snow, rain, storms, jungles, forests, trees and their roots (going up or down into all sorts of different environments - here's a nsfw video πŸ˜‰ ), ruins, buildings, thousands of coconut trees, and much more, even with a broken ankle for almost an entire year and finally having commenced my healing journey at the @gardenofeden just over a week ago! πŸ˜…

Harvesting edible coconuts for my first time! (I had recently just climbed my first coconut tree, but it wasn't ripe) πŸ˜… On Memorial day, 26 of May 2014. I got SOOOO happy and excited that shortly afterwards, I climbed and harvested my third coconut tree until that point!Β 

I love evolving and healing every day, constantly growing more aware and capable, living super sustainably with conscious loving beings and creatures, here in the @gardenofeden vortex, and with nature! GO PLAY OUTSIDE, IT'S FREE!

I hope this has inspired you to go outside and climb a tree!

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