Chlorella - Super Hype or Superfood?

We recognize that health is one of the most important facets of life, and good health means good life!

We care about health not only for ourselves, but also for others. We find that empowered knowledge is important for helping people activate their own health, so today we're going to explore the properties of chlorella, an alleged superfood that is growing in popularity. 

We've been making many posts lately about the real threat of mercury poisoning. Part of why we're choosing to look into chlorella is because it's said to be one of the best foods for detoxing mercury. Is it really? 

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Let’s explore the facts of chlorella to determine its superfood status. 

Important chlorella facts:

1.) Chlorella is a fresh water algae that is classified as a single celled organism; it has one nucleus and one cell wall.

2.) These cellular walls are very hard to digest in their natural form, which means if you are consuming chlorella you want to make sure the cellular wall has been cracked.

3.) Chlorella is thought to be one of the oldest known species on the planet, but this has not been confirmed through scientific methods yet.

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4.) The deep green color, which will come off on your body or clothing if touched, comes from the concentrated amount of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll by itself is considered a superfood because of the positive benefits it has on the immune system and reversing oxidative stress. The antioxidants are what helps in that process and it adds to the anti-cancer properties.

5.) Chlorella is also shown to help you have better looking skin, some say younger appearance even. These benefits are a combination of the ability to remove oxidative stress which causes aging, the high amounts of vitamin A, and that it will naturally help increase your body's levels of Vitamin C (detoxifier) and glutathione (antioxidant).

6.) Aids in the body’s ability to detox heavy metals and other undesirable chemicals. It does this by binding to the unwanted materials to help move them out of the body. One thing of mention though is the bond is not permanent, so if you are not pooping multiple times a day it could cause more harm than good to take chlorella as a detoxifier.

7.) Chlorella also has the unique ability to reproduce up to 8 times a day, which does make it a valuable and sustainable source for nutrition. 

8.) Chlorella has many nutritional benefits. Its vitamin content is amazingly high!

1 ounce of chlorella contains:
Iron - 202% RDA = 167.0mg/100g
Magnesium - 22% RDA = 315.0 mg/100g
Protein - 16g
Vitamin A - 287% RDA = 55,500.0 IU/100g
Vitamin B2 - 71% RDA = 4.8 mg/100g
Vitamin B3 - 33% RDA = 23.8 mg/100g
Zinc - 133% RDA = 71.0 mg/100g

It also is said to have amounts of vitamins B1 and B6 as well as phosphorus. 

Downside to Chlorella

Like so many supplements on the market, you have to make sure what you are purchasing is a quality product. Given its detoxing abilities, this is even more important for chlorella!

A common form of heavy metal poisoning actually comes from mercury (i.e. mercury fillings or vaccinations). Toxic individuals that start taking chlorella to help them often have an adverse reaction. Many people attribute this to either 1) detox side effects, or 2) the fact that chlorella only binds for a period of time before it releases the heavy metals or chemicals back into the body.

This does happen, but more times than not the reason mercury toxic people get ill from chlorella is because it is naturally grown and harvested from a contaminated water source already overwhelmed with mercury. If you are buying chlorella that was grown in a freshwater lake that already has mercury and other heavy metals in it, then that plant has already absorbed the toxins and you are then consuming them, and the toxins are being re-released into your body, since chlorella doesn't bind permanently. It is potentially dangerous to do this, especially for people who are already dealing with toxic overload. 

You can try to get proof from the company that produces the product to show it comes from a mercury free source. However, research shows the only way to make sure you are not consuming any pre-contaminated chlorella is to purchase a product that is grown in a test tube and in a laboratory. 

Based off the evidence, can we consider chlorella a superfood? Yes we can! Just make sure and take the precautions to get the quality version that does not already contain heavy metals or chemicals and that the cellular wall has been cracked for digestion. 

There are community members living here @gardenofeden that have first hand life experience and knowledge with chlorella products. We always recommend everyone do some kind of research and make choices they feel good about. With that being said, based off our self-testing, we offer a product recommendation. This could be helpful saving you a lot of time not only researching chlorella, but also which products are actually a good buy or not. Here is the affiliate link:

If you use that link to obtain the suggested item, we receive a small percentage of the purchase amount. Our intention is not to sell products, but when we find a quality product at a good value we like to put our years of knowledge and research to work for the greater good. If you are going to purchase this anyway and at the same price, then this will help us too - and we use the funds to help build a better world.

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above:

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