Plant Preparations to Unlock & Utilize Their Incredible Healing Properties

Plants are wondrous creatures bursting with compounds that promote health and wellness in the human being. 

While pharmaceuticals isolate or synthesize these compounds, prescription drugs are often designed to treat a single or mere handful of disorders. Plants, however, can counteract a host of ailments and even protect the body against disease, suggesting that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Plants are an integral part of daily life here in our ecovillage, and we recognize and honor our intimate communion with them. They quite literally give us life, offering nourishment, enjoyment, and healing. We are relying heavily on plants while @fmatinata is here in our vortex to heal an old injury, incorporating various herbs, leaves, fruits, and vegetables to his treatment plan in a number of preparations:

Drinks - We keep a full jar of activated water for drinking throughout the day, combining handfuls of our beyond organic herbs with filtered water. It is not only delicious and hydrating, but the plants add life force energy that restructures the water; filtered water has been stripped of even healthful minerals, and it tastes flat and dull. Every evening, we have a beautiful and aromatic pot of tea bubbling away on the wood burning stove. Almost every day is a new and inspired combo of beautiful herbs. 

Cilantro, henbit, and plum slices 

High Vibe Cuisine - Whether we prepare a raw or cooked dish or simply pop garden treats straight in our mouths during a garden walk, the food here is dank. It's hands down the best we've ever had! We specialize in mouthgasms, layers upon layers of flavors that burst and keep on coming in beautiful bites of epicness. @fmatinata is a fan of raw foods, and we provide fresh veggies, fruits, and medicinal plants like aloe to have as much as he wants. We have salads almost daily, as well as steamed sweet potatoes during this abundant harvest season. 

Jicama beet salad with tahini lime dressing

Oils - Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extractions that can be used to treat an incredible array of problems, from infections to stress to cancer. We are using a few drops of lavender oil during massage and foot baths to calm and soothe @fmatinata's tissues. 

Poultice - For wounds, burns, bites, cuts, contusions, headaches, chest congestion, earaches, and more, we prepare a moist mash of appropriate plants for the affliction. We are using lots of comfrey on @fmatinata because it aids new cell growth and works magic on broken bones and traumatic injuries. 

Grated comfrey root poultice applied to ankle; we tie a cloth bandage over this to keep it on. 

This is but a handful of possibilities for plant preparation and application. We hope it inspires you to use nature to activate full thrival! 

We offer our beyond organic, wildcrafted herbs on the Peerhub Marketplace by SBD donation exchange towards our cause of feeding, clothing, housing, and educating people. We share our abundance so many more can access and enjoy the incredible healing powers of plants!

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