Talking Shit 💩

Most people treat human waste as horrible toxic "shit", but in actuality you reap what you sow. 

If your poo smells awful, is foul, and disgusts you, then you are just looking at a reflection of what you consume. As the old saying goes, "You are what you eat!" 

Our bodies are not meant to be treated like garbage disposals.

When we eat good nutritional food, we produce primo poo waste products. In our ecovillage, we take full advantage of this rich resource to create compost that we use to grow more nutritious and awesome foods! 

The candida cleanse  we have followed for over a month gives us another opportunity to observe the "waste" that we use to create Earth.

As our diets and health improve, so does our production of dynamic dung! Check out our first post on primo poo for more info. 

Today we're comparing our poo production from week 1 to week 2. 

Here's our poo count for week 1:

In the second week, we made compost more frequently:

Our 3 poo per day production has actually increased, making the earth much richer in black gold! It is suggested to poo at least 3 times per day during this cleanse to help the body eliminate candida as efficiently as possible. 

We're also recording the consistency of our poos for shits & giggles...and science. 

Even the consistency of our excrement changed in the course of just a week! You can see many people's stool moved into the loose but not diarrhea category. For some people with serious constipation issues, that could be a godsend. 

In our experiment, more people also had diarrhea the second week. Our records show that those with more diarrhea were usually taking a larger dose of the 100% gum spirits of turpentine.

One very interesting (and slightly unexpected) result between week 1 and week 2 was the color our poos:

The frequency of brownish poos increased, while greenish poos went down. Since we consume so many vegetables, it seemed more common for the majority of us to have greenish poo rather than brownish. In week 2, our vegetable consumption stayed pretty much the same, but obviously we didn't see the same results in our excrement. It makes us wonder & speculate as to what factors affect poo color.

We're conducting and sharing this experiment so others may learn from our experiment, and we will continue to gather and analyze our results! What are your thoughts on this cool shit? 

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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