Vinegar Has Many Amazing Uses and Benefits: Here Are Our Top 15 Examples

We have a wealth of sustainable information to share!

We have learned to produce, harvest or barter/trade for all the things we need, and we want to share our how-to knowledge with you. We showed you how to build a hugel mound yesterday, and tomorrow we would like to show you how to make vinegar if there is interest int this post! 

Vinegar has been made and used for thousands of years and it has hundreds of uses! It's a simple and potentially delicious solution to produce at home with powerful disinfecting and healthful properties on top of its delicious contributions to many kids of culinary cuisine around the world! 

At the Garden of Eden, we make high quality artisan vinegars. We have made many different types including apple cider, guava-pineapple, strawberry-banana, mango, white mulberry, peach, and pear vinegar, and we enjoy putting it on everything! We offer our handcrafted vinegars by donation through our website, and we are pleased to announce that we graciously accept STEEM in trade! 

Please follow for our HOW TO MAKE VINEGAR tutorial!

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