Cannabis oil cured my mom's cancer. This is her story.

Around 5 years ago my mom was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was sitting with her when she got the news. It was like the blood in your veins instantly turning cold. The Oncologist said that the only treatment was chemo or else she would die. We trusted that he knew what he was doing as he was the "expert" and she began her first few rounds of chemo. 2 years later and many more bouts of aggressive chemo nearly killed her. It was only when she began taking cannabis oil that she started to feel better and she then made the decision to stop the chemo and just take the oil along with some dietary changes.

A year and 2 months later she went back in for blood tests, and she had no evidence of cancer. I'm not talking remission here, I'm saying she was CURED! I'm sharing this story because nowadays 1 in 2 of us will face face this horrible disease in our lifetime. Yip those are the stats, and they are frightening.

I don't think theres any doubt in our minds that if she carried on with the chemo she would have died. The cannabis oil saved her life. She felt obligated to tell people, everyone that she could, about her story in the hopes of helping save someone else's life. So i took my phone and filmed a very simple, honest testimonial from her. Not edited, no fancy graphics, just one take and her story from her mouth.

Here it is. I hope someone is helped by this:

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