I remember just about a year ago today asking myself, "Who in the heck really has time to meditate?" With life being filled with work, endless errands, house choirs, kids, after work passions; when do people really have time to meditate throughout the day?

I'm sure we've all seen Facebook and Instagram posts like the photo above. People are meditating in some of the most awesome places, yet I think to myself, "yeah right, I'm gonna go sit on a rock and meditate after work." Don't get me wrong, that would be cool, yet the reality is I, like many of you lead a very busy life. So, what can we do when we just need a break from it all, wether at work, home, or on the go? I'll tell you where; any and everywhere!

You see, I discovered that you can really meditate anywhere, you just need five minutes. If you have more time, then great, but five minutes can really do wonders. You don't need to be laying down or seated in an Indian position, you just need to be able to inhale and exhale deeply, while focusing on your breath. I actually learned this from a monk. He said that many people believe you need a lot of time or need to be lying down, when the truth is, "It is all about focusing on your breath". When you focus on your breath, it is harder for the mind to wonder, making it easier to clear the mind. Since I learned this, I meditate in the car on the way to work (eyes open, of course), waiting in line at the bathroom, on lunch breaks, I think you guys get the point. Meditation can be done on a rock or at your desk at work, just remember to focus on your breath! Just give it a try, you may be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards.

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