Himal-Health-Contest #2 Health Awareness on steemit...Winners of the last contest and 2nd episode of the contest.

Hello my steemit friends


If you already do not know about this contest you can check the introduction post here - [Himal-Health-Contest ].
It is basically a contest where I will give a health topic and you will have to share your experience regarding it in the comment section.

I would like to thank @adrianmendoza, @alpharay, @daudimitch, @drabs, @drphysiatre, @khatisam4, @kyriacos, @nobutsd, @ruth-girl & @trumpman for participating in the last episode of the Himal-Health-Contest, all other steemit members and the steemSTEM project for supporting it.

The topic of the last episode was Schizophrenia, the participants have described amazingly how it feels to suffer from schizophrenia, they have shared their knowledge & experience regarding the disease in various ways.

First of all I would like to thank @ruth-girl for finding this amazing piece of art made by shawn coss

Art by @ruth-girl

It was a very difficult task to choose the best three from those amazing responses, all were equally deserving to be the best ones...for the sake of the contest we have choosen the following responses....

3rd Position- for @khatisam4

He has shared story of a schizophrenic whom he saw in the psychiatric department of a hosptal, he has also wrote nicely about his knowledge regarding the disease-

I went through some patients file last week in the psychiatric department and found a case of Schizophrenia. The patients came with the symptoms of Delusion and disorganized speech which was hard to differentiate with the anxiety depression. He was playing with the words and no one understood, he created a word mismatch there right in place . He even had a disorganized speech and these symptoms carried for around 6-7 months
After this I came to know that these patients have a split mind because he cannot differentiate the reality and the fake . After some study I came to know that it was gameplay in the Neurotransmitter in the brain by serotonin, GABA and Nor-epinephrine. But somehow , the psychiatrist managed with the anti-psychotic drugs and the symptoms preety much releaved .
Hope you post soon about the schizophrenia cause I am too much eagerly waiting for this knowledge

2nd position - @alpharay

He has shared his experience regarding the schizophrenia from a movie where he first heard it, and this movie influenced him so much that he has now studying the medicine...and he has described a patient's story when he was posted in psychiatric department...

Well , the story began when I was a higher secondary school student ( called +2 in Nepal ).One friend of mine recommended a movie entitled "A beautiful mind ".Frankly speaking after watching it for first time i could not understand the movie.The only thing i came to know was The Actor(Russel Crowe) was suffering from a disease called Schizophrenia.It was the first time i knew the name .I google it. And then i decided to watch the movie for the second time.I was so much inspired by this movie that I decided to make medicine as a career.This movie and the disease Schizophrenia has made a blueprint in my mind.
Being a medical student i was posted in Psychiatric ward. It was first time that i saw a schizophrenic patient.She was a known case of Schizophrenia for 6 years and was taking medication.Later that night i was told by a resident doctor that she has a history of three consecutive miscarriage. She don't have any child but she behaves like she has 7 year old son with whom she can talk and play . In medical term we call it as audio-visual hallucination. Auditory hallucination are more common in schizophrenia. She thinks that every family members are against her child ( we call it as delusion of persecution).
The next day i closely observed the patient. She was obviously not in touch with reality. She looked like a stupor with decreased self care and poor grooming. There was poor verbal and non verbal communication . Of course there was no eye contact at all with poor social interaction.There was proper thought blocking ( patient interrupt before thought is completed). There was no any suicidal thought ( it is very rare in schizophrenia but may be associated with depressive symptoms).
She is undergoing treatment. She is showing some sign of improvement.We all hope she would be normal again.
Once i read in our textbook that
Schizophrenia is arguably the worst disease affecting mankind, even AIDS not expected.
At Last,
Thanks @himal for the contest and most importantly initiating health awareness in steemit.

1st position - @trumpman

for sharing the story of his cousin,his life before and after the schizophrenia....he has nicely written how miserable a life becomes when schizophrenia hits a man..

I will answer your question but first let me share a somewhat personal story.
I have an older cousin with Schizophrenia. He used to have a good-paying, not really demanding job in the public sector. He is an only child and lived with his parents his whole life until the day they died. I should mention that when he was young (according to my family members) he was really good looking and smart, with an IQ of at least 140, he got tested in school and he was the top student. To outsiders he appeared to be just an ordinary person, just slightly weird.
He had his first major Schizophrenia episode at the age of around 30. He disappeared and was found many days later naked in a mountain, in an animal-like state. He was taken to a psychiatric clinic, got electrotherapy (don't know the exact name sorry) and put on drugs for the first time in his life. Later, he claimed that he was looking for his alien parents and he missed the alien spaceship that would take him to them for seconds. He was released from the clinic and he lived a somewhat normal and productive life until about the age of 50ish, when both his parents died.
They left him with a huge heritage, over 1.000.000 dollars in bank accounts and 3 houses. As I mentioned before, he also had a nice govermental job. So he had a lot of money. But no real friends, no close relatives, no nothing to keep an eye on him. We guess he stopped taking his meds at some point and all went downhill.
5 year fast forward, he had no money, and had sold 2 out of the three houses. And all his credit cards were red. Where did he spend all that money? Women? Travelling? Gambling? No! It's somewhat funny. He spend all that money buying kid toys, books, movie dvds, computers, hunting &survival tools, useless gadgets, anything you can imagine! Thousands of them! And you know the strange part? He didn't even unbox them. We were warned by his workplace that he had gone missing for months and we discovered all these stuff in their boxes, unsealed!
The good thing is that we managed to somehow get him back on track and payed all his cards. Now he lives near us and he has a nice pension.. But no real friends, no people to talk (other than us), no wife, no kids no nothing.
He was good looking. He was smart. His parents were super rich and left him a huge fortune. More than what most people need to be happy. He could have everything he wanted with very little effort. But instead, he will die alone with no real friends, spending his last two decades of his life miserable, maybe thinking of how he f***** everything up. Perhaps still haunted by his demons, despite the meds he is taking...
So.. What do I know about Schizophrenia? I know it sucks

Note-- Rewards will be sent as soon as the payout comes, and instead of the randowhale vote SBD will be sent to the winners..And as i had promised I will be posting about schizophrenia soon...

Himal-Health-contest 2-- Depression


How to participate-

  • Share your experience about the disease(depression) in the comment section of this post, you can also write what your knowledge regarding the disease. It need not to be your personal experience, you can write about anyone whom you saw/heard suffering from depression.


  • There are no rules, Anyone can participate...This is not just a contest, it is about spreading the health education through steemit membrs...


previously reward was allocated for only 3 persons, now it will be given to 4 of them...

  • 1st- 30% of SBD generated from this post+ randowhale vote in the comment.
  • 2nd- 25% of SBD generated from this post+ randowhale vote in the comment.
  • 3rd- 20% of SBD generated from this post+ randowhale vote in the comment.
  • 4th- 15% of SBD generated from this post

You can also make your own post on the topics I give which will be curated by steemSTEM, for this you just have to add a tag "steemstem" in your post.

Something about steemSTEM

steemSTEM is a community project in steemit run by scientists of the steemit and other people who love science.It promotes good science post in steemit by curating them and resteeming the best ones..It also provides finders fee for the people submitting good science post of others.You can add a steemstem tag on your post if it is related to science and this will be curated by steemSTEM...You can join our steemit chat channel here---https://steemit.chat/channel/steemSTEM

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