Day 15 Intermittent Fasting(22hrs)Update

I really need to get a new camera asap. Welp, for now idc lolol. I am only really uploading for just documenting my journey. So, I will upgrade it soon or later.

Day 15 of fasting 22hrs WOOT WOOT! I could have easily went over 24hrs, but I decided to eat. I went on a tiny walk about 2.2 miles. Not as long as normal but I slept kinda late in the day and just woke up then instantly went for my walk lolol.

Energy as always through the roof. I feel very light on my feet. Clothes are getting looser. I am eating healthier and lesser. Walking/jogging is not a problem as my blisters on my feet went away. My sleeping is not as good but working on it lol.

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