Day 24 Intermittent Fasting(24hrs) Update

So we made it to day 24! 6 more days till we hit day 30! Just got back from my walk/jog/hike lol. Today, I was kinda just going off the trails and wandering lol. Both my feet hurt badly... But, we are still going to push through.

Body is still sore. I really never want to workout but I always push myself like I've been saying lol. I will weight myself again on day 30 and compare it to when I started. That should be interesting none the less. Hope my heel and feet stop hurting soon though lol.

We are close to the 24hr mark then I will eat some foods. Then start off day 25 and might go for another 24 or just hit 20hrs. Not sure. We will see.

Another 5 miles down the drain and day 24 signing out ! Till then

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