Day 26 Intermittent Fasting(26hrs) Update Part 2

So, after painting my mom's roof and trim. I fell asleep because my body was soo drained. The fact I was laying on the edge and painting lol was insane and I am fat! Took about 4hrs so I could count that as a work out because it was intense, but I won't.

Just past the 24hr fast mark. Cooked my food. So, I am off to walk and jog 5-6 miles. CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP! I look way thinner when I saw myself in the mirror. Like my stomach is smaller lol. Also, I have been drinking more water lately which I should do more. I haven't been drinking much on this IF journey. Anways DAY 26 ALMOST COMPLETE! ON TO DAY 27 BABY!

Till then

*just finished my walk 26hrs in on the fast. About to eat real quick, day 27 going for 27hr fast!

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