Day 39 Intermittent Fasting (20hrs) Update

I'm lifting now and pushing weights. Shadowboxing is lively and feels GREAT! Hit 18hrs about 30 mins going into 19 as I will hit over 20hrs. Doing some High Interval Training and explosive workouts. I feel like jello lol. As far as going for my walk/jog/hike I am putting that on hold for today :P

Not much to really update lol aside from lifting now. Fasting is still the same going over 20hrs plus avg and working out instead of walking/jogging 5-6 miles we are lifting heavy and explosively. I will add the walk/jog maybe every other day. I am not sure I just don't want to burn out my body lol. I am thinking maybe just walk just for 1 hr daily and lifting. I will slowly add the walk as I adjust to lifting. Getting very sore and tired lately even though I have energy during the day lol.

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