Watch As I Get a Full Naturopathic and Iridology Health Consultation

In today's crazy world most people wait until they are sick before going to see the doctor.

Then, once they are there, he usually won't even suggest any diet or exercise changes but instead will prescribe some dangerous chemical that won't actually cure the problem but will hide or mask the symptoms until the person gets more sick... and then he'll prescribe more chemicals which will do the same until the person either dies, runs out of money or both.

It's an evil, sick system that has your average Westerner sick the majority of their lives.

When you try to tell many of them that all they need to be healthy is to intermittently fast, eat a diet of mostly fruit and some raw vegetables and get some exercise they will accost you for spreading such blasphemous information!

Those types of people will scoff at this video of me getting a naturopathic health consultation along with iridology.

Well, let them scoff because everything I have seen of this approach shows nothing but cured and healthy people while those who go to the butchers in the white lab coats when they are feeling down walk away amputated, toxified and often dead.

If you've ever wondered what its like to get a naturopathic iridology consultation you can watch mine here:

If you have any questions or would like to get a consultation yourself here is the information you need to know:

Dr. Morse Herbal Health Club:

Consultation with Patty Lager directly:

Herbs recommended by Patty for Jeff:

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